The new SL travel package 2014 - now in the shop!

The new SL travel package 2014 - now in the shop!

We offer a multi-tiered travel plan for the 2014 season. We offer the products for this purpose in the Basic program "SL-Base".
Here, in addition to the healthcare, proper feeding and the provision of necessary additives is particularly important. Two weeks before the first flight of the first travel team on tour lining should be converted. The product "SL-Ferrum with lecithin" is especially important in the programme for the further preparation. This is a balanced multivitamin that contains iron, zinc and lecithin in addition to the vitamins are important for the journey. Iron is important for the formation of red blood cells. Therefore, the formation of these red blood cells can be improved by the gift of a product such as "SL-Ferrum with lecithin". Therefore, a ten-day treatment with this product should be performed before the start of the Wettflüge. This cure should be repeated in the middle of the season yet again for three days. You can check the success of this measure by the measurement of so-called hematocrit. This is a value that indicates how many red blood cells in the blood liquid are present. Since the red blood cells are responsible for the transport of oxygen, the hematocrit is a measure of the training state of the pigeons.

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