Better is not! Seven first bankruptcies with SL products - winner of the SL-Cup 2013 (zip program)

Doesn't get any better! Seven first bankruptcies with SL products – SL Cup winners 2013 (RV program)

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Richard Reiß and Evelyn Pfeiffer from the RV Wittenberg in the RegV 503 impact Community Hall, Rolf Schlömer SL products deployed in the season for the first time in 2013. The success was overwhelming.

Seven first prizes of the SG R. Reiß & E. Pfeiffer
15.06 from Limburg, 378 km against 1,511 pigeons, winner 01829-12-485;
06.07. from Limburg, 378 km against 1,177 pigeons, winner 01829-12-729;
21.07 from Homberg-Efze, 264 km against 799 pigeons, winner 01829-09-401;
27.07 from Homberg-Efze, 264 km against 645 pigeons, winner 01829-12-631;
17.08 from Halberstadt 127 km against 1.619 pigeons, winner 01829-13-72;
happenings from Hildesheim, Germany, 206 km against 9.57 pigeons, winner 01829-13-277;
8/31 from bath Neundorf, 246 km against 849 pigeons, winner 01829-13-305

Optimal conditions
You may delude themselves, success is achievable for everyone, and success has a lot of ambition to do. In the House tearing out working with precision and rules out. In addition to the good output of animals and an excellent health Constitution, the performance-based pigeon attitude is of course also depends on a carefully thought-out supply plan that leaves no deficits to. Although the SG Reiss and pepper playing successfully for many years, could be rotated with introduction of the SL products essential in the success.

First prizes with SL form Sprint
The product SL form Sprint was used for the first time. SL-form Sprint contains iodine to the stimulation of the metabolism and the function of the thyroid gland. In addition, iron for the formation of red blood cells, which improves the intake of oxygen in the blood. The included original contributes to better feed efficiency and animal performance. It also acts on the various germs in the collars and throat and a positive impact in the area of the stomach and intestinal tract.

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