The Association of German carrier pigeon breeders and the pigeon clinic invite all pigeon breeders Saturday March 25, 2023, to the in-house exhibition in Essen.

In a more than 500 m² heated exhibition tent, various industrial exhibitors are waiting for the visitors with their products for the care of pigeons. Many exhibitors are again offering special offers and discounts just before the start of the new carrier pigeon season. Young pigeons from successful breeders in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium are offered for sale at the "Young Pigeon Exchange".

The following industrial exhibitors have already registered: Kosner-Petshop, Mifuma, Röhnfried, Benzing, Beyers, Wewole (formerly WfB), Vanrobaeys, Klaus and Rüter. The following providers of young pigeons are also there: Freddy de Prins, Jürgen Ruers, Josef Houben, Manfred Masuch and the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center.

The doors of the German carrier pigeon center in Essen-Katernberg will open at 9:00 a.m., where not only pigeons but also all feathered patients are welcome. Because not only do pigeons are treated in the consultation hours of the pigeon clinic, but the veterinarians of the pigeon clinic have long since made a name for themselves with many other ornamental bird owners.

The youngsters for the RUHR.2023 flight and the youth derby can also be delivered during the event. Both flights will take place together on September 16, 2023.

The carrier pigeon association and the attached pigeon clinic expect up to 1,000 visitors to the in-house exhibition in the carrier pigeon center, which is located on the premises of the ZukunftsZentrumZollverein (Triple Z) in Katernberger Str. 115 in 45327 Essen.

The in-house exhibition is open on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

All friends of feathered pets are welcome.


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