Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon September 2018…

deaf marketable title sept 2018

Dear readers and readers,

the contribution on this sincee I write each monthweils shortly before deadline of Taubenmarkt / The sports pigeon. For it might in that the requirement revealed yet on current operations, a few to say words. For example, while our impact reports and technical papers require a longer preparation time.

I have before me the itinerary of my rice Everunification and the aviation community on the Desk, recreated on August 6, 2018th A rare procedure, but be around Regel travel plans for the coming year travel decided beforehand already in the autumn meeting of the year. What was the reason to depart this year it? The answer, of course, you all know the summer! I would now not too much to rummage in the past, but in 1975 sang the Dutch ShowMaster Rudi Carell ( 2006) the hit "When is it time asthe right summer? "In comments it said (Quote): "This song is in Germany absolutely timeless, until doomsday. anyas we will have to get used to this cold, wet and dark summer. "

In 2018, we now have a real summer to get. Here, I dare to say, a summer as we wanted to have himth. For he was probably violently. Lawns brown scorched, feed for livestock scarce, and what we concerns: The journey of the old birds because of excessive Heat ended prematurely, the youngsters travel to Rear moved to the last weekend in September. These are already glaring effects. Ends but the Jung travel to our antiquated travel system usually the first weekend in September.

But the summer is over. We are now approaching the autumn, It has at last Augustwochenende finally cools slightly. Many of our insbesonparticular older sports friends and sports fans perceive this as a real relief for themselves and their pigeons. And people who deNEN was privileged and yet is already more than half a century experienced consciously to to have, like the intense autumn: the Weather, the colors, the moods - the parting of the Summer. For the departure of the tourist season in 2018, we now hope all together on a successful young birds travel.

Once finished, the pleasure is followed then for many sports friends and sports. After all, who can be used as echter pigeon fancier middle of the travel operation already go on vacation? This does not come for many question and so we treat them that HeHOLUNG, mostly in southern climes.

But the cooler season has not only niedchallenging temperatures, but also whitedirect benefits in stock. So I aim for the In this issue of Taubenmarkt / The Sports dove off. We move the date of the International Taubenmarkt Kassel closer. In six weeks time. On Saturday, 27 October 2018 there is the "Made in Germany" auction, German top pigeons from the! 12 top blows instead. The current travel services in 2018 this beats we could publish for the most part.

In this issue we bring about each one of these blows a report, in which the breeder or impact communities whose pigeons origin, travel system, impact management, etc. are presented. this Beforeposition includes the pigeons, which for were made available to the auction in Kassel. Sort by cage number, you can check on their descent and now already reserve the ring numbers you are interested in a young pigeon.

It should be noted that regardless of the auction, the contributions that you are used to as our readers - from pharmacists to Vet - of course, part of this newspaper are.

Now I wish you all a successful conclusion of this year's tourist season as a whole and – Freedom in pigeon racing!

brühl hans 2016


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pigeon market in 2018

tipes sept 2018

röhnfried sept 2018

forest camp Sept. 2018

brockamp Sept. 2018 brockamp sept 2018_1

herbots sept 2018

Vanrobaeys September 2018

ropa September 2018


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