Healthy animals are not a coincidence! … course Ropa B®!

receive health – reduce antibiotics!

Animals in private keeping subject to a variety of stressors and strains. They react to this with an increased susceptibility to disease, performance depression and indigestion. Natural phytogenic (plant) digestibility enhancer based on oregano oil defined quality support intestinal activity. the secretion of gastric and bile is increased by stimulating the digestive organs. There are less harmful metabolites.

Harmful germs are always present!

On the other hand a disturbed digestion is paving the way for a proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and internal parasites, which then bring again bowel disease. Pathogenic microorganisms are present in both sick and healthy animals. These include pathogens such as clostridia, salmonella and pathogenic E. coli bacteria. Diarrhea often consider other diseases, such as respiratory according to.

maintain health - reduce antibiotics!

There are numerous scientific publications and field trials dealing with the use and the effects of essential oils such as oregano and other plant extracts. The results vary "highly effective" and "disappointing" between. On closer inspection, it becomes clear that the products used have large differences in the quality of the pharmaceutical preparation and the valuable substances.

A whole series of studies beliegt the natural range of variation in oregano and oregano oils of different origins. Here, both seasonal and regional fluctuations arise. This fluctuation may impact results of using experiments.

Steam distillation

The essential oils are extracted by steam distillation from plants. Essential oils from water vapour distillation can be used in organic farming.

In a next step, the extracts on solid and liquid media are bound. These vehicles are designed specifically for the different applications and guarantee a streamlined presentation of the active ingredient, but also as a good storage stability.

Finally, the products are assembled according to customer requirements.

Quality is no coincidence!

The company Ropavet B.V. based in Zaandam (Netherlands) produces and sells feed additives, feed supplements and care products based on natural ingredients, which are used worldwide in the livestock and companion animal sectors with exceptional success.

Seit 1995 ist (erstmals) die Entwicklung, Produktion und der Vertrieb von Tierfutter auf Basis oder in Kombination mit Oregano – Öl aktiv. Unsere Produkte sind weltweit patentiert und als einziges professionelles Unternehmen besitzen wir unsere eigenen Oregano-Felder in den Niederlanden und der Türkei. Wir können daher mit Stolz sagen, dass diese Pflanzen die beste Qualität liefern. Der gesamte Produktionsprozess wird von Anfang bis Ende von Ropapharm gesteuert, so dass wir Ihnen Produkte von gleichbleibend hoher Qualität liefern können. Weltweit haben wir viel Anerkennung für die Wirkung unserer Produkte auf die Tauben unserer Kunden erhalten.

The products are free of doping and are manufactured according to GMP quality. This gives you added assurance that your pigeons get right for them.

The product base are the all-natural essential oils as remedies proven and in human use oregano plant. Oregano is a plant from the plant family Lamiaceae and its active ingredients, the phenols thymol and carvacrol are potent antiseptic compounds that is highly effective bactericidal, antiviral and fungicidal act. The activity of these substances, which has been widely scientifically tested and confirmed, is particularly evident in the gastro-intestinal tract of animals.
This cooperates Ropapharm International B.V.. with well-known producers and recognized research institutions.

Ensure quality

As a consequence of the considerable variation, the company has decided at an early stage, oregano own hybrids in cooperation with the "Praktijkonderzoek Plant & to select Institute (Wageningen) - Omgeving "(PPO). Thus, a constant quality is achieved with regard to erwüschte and unwanted ingredients

The specially bred oregano hybrids are grown, harvested and processed in their own fields.

Products & Ideas

Pigeons, birds & Small animals

Insbesondere Tiere in privater Haltung wie Brieftauben, Haustauben, Ziervögel, Hunde, Pferde oder Kaninchen unterliegen einer Vielzahl von Stressoren und Belastungen. Sie reagieren hierauf mit einer erhöhten Krankheitsanfälligkeit, Leistungsdepressionen und Verdauungsstörungen wie Clostridiosen, Enterocolitis, Salmonellosen und Pilze. Natürliche phytogene (pflanzliche) Verdauungsförderer wie z.B. die Produkte der Ropapharm International B.V unterstützen die Darmtätigkeit. Durch Anregung der Verdauungsorgane wird die Sekretion von Magen – und Gallensaft erhöht. Die Verdauung wird so optimiert, es fallen so weniger schädliche Stoffwechselmetaboliten an. Auf der anderen Seite ist eine gestörte Verdauung Wegbereiter für eine Massenvermehrung von pathogenen Mikroorganismen und Endoparasiten, die dann wiederum Darmerkrankungen hervorrufen. Viele pathogene Mikroorganismen kommen ständig im Darm gesunder Tiere (und Menschen) vor. Erst eine gestörte Verdauung bietet Schadkeimen und Parasiten eine Möglichkeit zur Massenvermehrung. Hierzu gehören Erreger wie Clostridien, Salmonellen, pathogene Colibakterien und Pilze.
Enrich the harmful germs looking to not only in the gastrointestinal tract of animals but also in the vicinity of the animals, so permanently there is a risk of further infection. Even if be adjusted any clearly defined disease pictures, it comes to animal loss and performance depression.
While it has tried in the past to maintain animal health, through the addition of synthetic and antibiotic performance enhancers in animal feed animal meal ticket, holders and vets put now more and more on natural phytogenic digestive conveyors. Ropapharm International B.V. preparations from the ROPA product line delivers this-B ® 10%, expertise, and problem solving. The products can be administered both the feed and drinking water.

ROPA-B powder 10%

For a healthy intestinal flora

Increases resistance against bacteria and fungi in the gastrointestinal level.

Supports maintaining the health and recovery before, during and after the betting flights and during the breeding and moulting season.


For a healthy intestinal flora

Increases resistance against bacteria and fungi in the gastrointestinal level.

Supports maintaining the health and recovery before, during and after the betting flights and during the breeding and moulting season.

ROPA-B Feed Oil 2%

For a healthy intestinal flora

Increases resistance against bacteria and fungi in the gastrointestinal level.

Supports maintaining the health and recovery before, during and after the betting flights and during the breeding and moulting season.


Promotes rapid healing of wounds. Natural alternative to antibiotics for a broad spectrum of activity against fungi, bacteria and other skin irritations. To be used for cuts and abrasions and chafing.


Complementary feed for pigeons. A unique composition which are fermented by lactic acid bacteria.

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