Auction of pigeons reputable and well-known breeders from Germany and Belgium in Hoxter…


There are: SG Zabel and daughter, Richard tear, Heinz-Willi Ritz, Karl-Heinz Wichert, SG eaters Heinz + Michael, Franz-Josef Wieneke, Danny sending, Gebr van Gestel, Vanoppen-Luyten, Willy Steeaerts, Franz. Josef Wieneke, Volker + Hermann Namuth, Gerd Rischmüller

  • Enkel YVAN 1. National Ace Taube Kbdb
  • National I. Herbots. Grandson of 04334-02-506 SG Zabel and daughter
  • Pigeons of Heremans / Herbots "Young big boss" x "Yvana" (daughter "YVAN")
  • Enkel "Package

Remote Oral or written bidding is of course possible.

You can contact me at

mailto: or via phone at 0171-2202027 and give their bid if they can not attend in person.

Here you can see directly the auction catalog…(click)

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