Derby Arona 2016 news…


Derby Arona 2016 – Main Race Prizes –
1st Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 50,000 EU€ (67.000 USD$)
2nd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 25,000 EURO€
3rd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 20,000 EURO€
4th Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 15,000 EURO€
5th Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 10,000 EURO€
6th Pigeon – Medal + Diploma/Certificate + 5,000 EURO€
7th Pigeon – Medal + Diploma/Certificate + 4,000 EURO€
8th Pigeon – Medal + Diploma/Certificate + 3,000 EURO€
9th Pigeon – Medal + Diploma/Certificate + 2,000 EURO€
10th Pigeon – Medal + Diploma/Certificate + 1,000 EURO€
11th to 15th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 900 EURO€
16th to 20th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 800 EURO€
21st to 30th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 500 EURO€
31st to 50th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 240 EURO€
51st to 75th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 100 EURO€
76st to 300th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 50 EURO€
Knock Out Winner:
5,000 EURO€ to the first Knock Out
Run-up Competition Prizes

First Hot Spot Gran Canaria Island Race Prizes
1st Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate +
2nd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 2000 EURO€
3rd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 1000 EURO€
4th to 10th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 220 EURO€
11th to 20th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 100 EURO€
Hot Spot Tree Pigeon Challenge
Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 1000 EURO€
Second Hot Spot Gran Canaria Island Race Prizes
1st Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate +
2nd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 2000 EURO€
3rd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 1000 EURO€
4th to 10th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 220 EURO€
11th to 20th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 100 EURO€
Hot Spot Tree Pigeon Challenge
Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 1000 EURO€
Third Hot Spot / Semifinal Race Prizes
1st Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate +
2nd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 2500 EURO€
3rd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 2000 EURO€
4th to 10th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 220 EURO€
11th to 20th Pigeon – Diploma/Certificate + 100 EURO€
Hot Spot Tree Pigeon Challenge
Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 1000 EURO€
Hot Spot Ace Pigeon
Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 1000 EURO€
International Challenge Race
In the Semifinal race, the first entered pigeon from any of the competing countries with more than three individual entrants wins 220 EURO€ each.
Arona-TENERIFE Grand Average Ace Pigeon
1st Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 5,000 EURO€
2nd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 3,000 EURO€
3rd Pigeon – Trophy, Diploma/Certificate + 1,000 EURO€


Click: Worldwide Race Coordinators/Shippers

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