Derby ARONA-Tenerife – RACE FINAL 2015 ARRIVE !!!


We think the Hot Spot Car Race 3 was a great success with 188 of the convoy of 292 pigeons returning to the lofts in Tenerife on the day plus 12 more have returned this morning taking your total up to 200 so far. We are sure a few more will return during the next few days which will give a good total for the Final Race.
They will now have a good rest before their final hurdle, which is of course will be the Arona-TENERIFE 2015 Final Race. It just goes to show that after all the hard work and effort we and our team have put in this year by giving the extra Sea Races, has proved worth while.

The final race day will be selected within 4 days due weather forecast. We are daily checking in order to advice the participants that cannot coming a whole week to Tenerife. If you are planning to assist the Final race please plan your holidays from 23rd to 29th March in order to assure you can enjoy the Final race, the basketing and the Award Gala Dinner.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon and enjoying the Final Race with all those pigeon fanciers and friends that attend the race week in Tenerife.

All information here…(cliquez)


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