Tag archives: Vanrobaeys Pharma

  • Compound feed for our pigeons through the ages

    Compound feed for our pigeons through the ages

    In the past – today – values ​​Due to today's world market situation and the resulting changes, manufacturers of feed mixtures in particular are almost overwhelmed with inquiries about creating “own mixtures” because apparently there is no corresponding mixture on the market. Earlier than one still with the "given" preference…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    In the past – today – values ​​Due to today's world market situation and the resulting changes, manufacturers of feed mixtures in particular are almost overwhelmed with inquiries about creating “own mixtures” because apparently there is no corresponding mixture on the market. Earlier than one still with the "given" preference…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    Nun geht es langsam in die „heiße Phase“ der Alttierreisesaison 2021 und es stehen die noch ausstehenden Flüge statt. Gleichzeitig stehen die National-, Internationalen und auch länderübergreifenden Flüge statt. In Belgien sind daher auch die entscheidenden Nationalflüge an der Tagesordnung. Auch der „Königsflug“ ab Barcelona ist am laufen. International

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    On this weekend, in addition to the so-called “intermediate flights”, there were also other “championship flights”, i.e. for the national ratings. The friends of the long distance could also start and other national flights were carried out abroad. Remarkable, Rainer Schwarte, Rhede-Braul wins the 4th regional flight in the 259 region against high numbers of pigeons! Germany 4.7.2021…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    At the weekend there were various regional association flights, as well as 2 national flights in Belgium, as well as the long-distance flight Pau of the IG long distance. The flight meters moved in both the south-east and south-west directions at around 1,400 - 1,500 flgm./min., Although the strokes lengthened somewhat with the further distances…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    At the weekend, the races had to be reduced to a shorter distance, also due to the association's requirements and the forecast weather conditions. The flight meter figures and also the bankruptcy times show that this was probably a good decision! In Belgium, 2 more national flights with Valence and Argenton were on the program. Belgium 06/19/2021…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    At the weekend, the races had to be reduced to a shorter distance, also due to the association's requirements and the forecast weather conditions. The flight meter figures and also the bankruptcy times show that this was probably a good decision! In Belgium, 2 more national flights with Valence and Argenton were on the program. Belgium 06/19/2021…

  • Guy van der Auwera - the current interview ...

    Guy van der Auwera – the current interview…

    The senior animal journey 2021 is now in full swing and the youngsters are already being prepared for their upcoming tasks. In addition to the obligatory vaccinations with the well-known, approved vaccines, this also includes the optimal supply of minerals and a perfectly balanced feed mixture and the associated supplements. For this we have…

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