An exceptional bird – Presentation of 01358-03-996 of the SG Dreyer from Petershagen…

The city Petershagen is located about 15 km north of the Westphalian county town Minden. In the district Bierde impact Community Dreyer is located.

Impact Community Dreyer is located in the absolute top of the pigeon sport for decades. Unfortunately Senior Karl Dreyer has since died, so that the SG from 2014 only from Dreyer and his nephew Marcel is (from 2011). Chef Karl-Heinz Dreyer is 52 years old, skilled agricultural machinery mechanic and now works as a plant operator / mechanic in waste management.
The l8-year-old Marcel Dreyer is currently in vocational training. The daily tasks are performed by Karl-Heinz alone. On weekends and after consultation helps Marcel, who lives in the neighboring town, with.

Long-term success on many levels characterize this partnership. So you could in the past at the district level (15th district Ostwestfalen) permanently in the concert of serious competitors such as i.a. Kurt Weitkamp, ​​Hans Brölhorst, Heinz Meier (Rahden), Willi and Bert Heidemann, Fritz Busch Meier, Rainer Püttmann and Heinz and Jörn Meinsen play top.


Im Jahr 1983 wurde der damalige Erfolgsschlag B. Sporkmann, Gelsenkirchen kontaktiert. Hier saßen Janssen-Tauben allerbester Abstammung über den bekannten Janssen-Züchter Erich Bartsch. Von B. Sporkmann kamen in der Folge mehrere Janssen-Tauben zu den Dreyers. Entscheidend für Zukunft sollten sich dabei der Vogel 0643-80-33 (Enkel aus Tochter Oude Merckx van 67), der bereits 4 x den 1. Preis bei Sporkmann errungen hatte, und die Täubin 0643-83-82 (Linie Oude Lichte) herausstellen. Nahezu in allen Leistungstauben des heutigen Zucht- und Reisebestandes fließt das Blut dieser Ausgangspaares. Insbesondere über den Sohn 01358-84-908, der sich als ein Zuchtjuwel erster Güte entpuppte und dessen Nachkommen Glanzleistungen in Serie erbrachten. Heute zeigt sich bei den Dreyers ein durchgezüchteter Janssen-Stamm, dessen typischer Ursprung für den Kenner sofort sichtbar ist. Ab und an werden Tauben anderer Rassen zu Zuchtzwecken eingeführt, um den Kreuzungseffekt zu nutzen. Dabei ist es selbstverständlich, dass nur Züchter kontaktiert werden, die auf hohem Niveau züchten und spielen und es sich dabei nicht um Eintagsfliegen handelt.

Outstanding sire is the bird 01358-03-996!


dreyer 996-1

The bird flies 01358-03-996 in his career with 70 inserts 61 Prices and 21,248 kilometers.

His best tip prices were, among others. 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 5th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 17th, 17th, 20th, 21st Price.

His flight services in detail:

2003: 5/2 Price

2004: 13/10 prices

2005: 13/13 1. Prices prime bird and 1. Best AS Bird RV. Lahde Peter Hagen

2006: 13/13 1. Prices prime bird and 1. Best AS Bird RV. Lahde Peter Hagen

2007: 13/11 Rates 5th best bird of RV. Lahde Peter Hagen

2008: 13/12 1. Prices prime bird and 2nd best AS Bird RV Lahde Peter Hagen

The bird is Miterringer numerous championships, medals and trophies in

RV Lahde - Peter Hagen, Kreisverband Minden 69, and in the 15th district.


From 2009 breeds of 996 in the aviary, and makes different females for breeding fantastic!


His father the 01358-98-293 flies 48 prices and is 2002 in the 15th district 10. AS Bird and Miterringer the 1st Association championship.

In autumn 2002, the 293, hawk injured and could no longer be played.

His mother, the 01358-98-286 flies 41 prices and is just as involved in several championships in RV, KV, and the district as the 293rd

The parents of the 286 fly in your career 105 Prices and 6 x 1st prize.

In the pedigrees are found Janssen pigeons of the old varieties over Bernhard Sporkmann Gelsenkirchen, Desmet- Mathijs, Grondelaers pigeons about Jürgen Brendel Koenigstein and pigeons from Gebr. Smeulders.


Currently there are 7 sons and 5 daughters and several grandchildren of the 996 in the breeding aviary. The best children include the following:

01358-07-601 W – 33/30 Price (6,11,13 prices) represents. 1,1,1,2,4,5,5,6,8,1,13,15,17, etc.

2009: 3. Best Bitch AS at the federal level !!!


01358-09-301 W – 62 Prices (8,10,11,11,10,12 prices). 2., 2nd, 4th, 4th, 4,7,8,8,9, etc.

2012: Miterringer the 1st Central and 1st Long Distance Championship RegV. 255 Minden-Schaumburg


01358-09-347 W - 48 prices in 4 years (2nd, 11,11,12,12 prices)


01358-11-020 V - 45/44 prices (6,13,13,12 prices)

Super- Star der DBA 2014 !!!

dreyer 20


01358-11-064 V - 19 prices in 2 years including 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 19th, etc.

Was 2013 injured after 10 Flights from hawk and could no longer be played.


As the ungereisten breeding birds and 457 467 in 2009 to bring the plurality of two-digit.


In the last two years (2014/15) 17 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren fly digit 1st prizes and front tips rankings.


Recent photos of the travel strokes


Widower blow 1

Widower blow 1

Widower blow 1

Widower blow 1

Widower blow 2

Widower blow 2

Widower blow 2

Widower blow 2 & 1

females impact

females impact

females impact

females impact

Jungtierschlag 1

Jungtierschlag 1

Jungtierschlag 2

Jungtierschlag 2

Jungtierschlag 2

Jungtierschlag 2

Jungtierschlag 3

Jungtierschlag 3


SG Dreyer

On the Huhne 8

32469 Petershagen – Bierde

Tel .: 05702-1261 or 821 731


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