Jodoferrol liquid supplementary feed for racing pigeons.

Iodoferrol serves as a supplementary supply of trace elements, especially iodine and iron. They are suitable for stimulating the metabolism, increasing performance and improving oxygen uptake. After the flight, they ensure a quick recovery of the
carrier pigeons and prevent dehydration and trace element deficiencies.

Feeding Note:
During the travel time 1x after the flight and on 2 consecutive days before the day of the assignment, not on the day of the assignment. Iodoferrol is fed with drinking water or feed. During breeding and with the young animals twice a week with the drinking water or with the feed.

1/2 dosing cap (10 ml) for 1 liter of drinking water / 1 kg of feed. The content of the 500 ml bottle is sufficient for 50 liters of water.

Iodine + ferrum preparation with the iodine factor 20 liquid supplementary feed for racing pigeons

Feed additives per 1000ml
Trace elements:
(3b102) Iron (Fe) – (Iron-III-chloride) 1000.0 mg
(3b201) Jod (J) – (Kaliumjod) 1000,0 mg
(3b501) Mangan (Mn) – (Manganchlorid) 91,2 mg
(3b601) Zink (Zn) – (Zinkacetat) 89,4 mg
(3b401) Copper (Cu) - (Copper Acetate) 47.7 mg
Composition: sugar, sodium chloride
Analytical Constituents: Crude Protein 1%, Crude Fiber 1%,
Crude fat 1%, crude ash 1.5%, sodium 0.3%.
Moisture content: 95%

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