Spring Fair Houten 2023 …

It promises to be another traditionally interesting spring fair at Expo Houten. Manufacturers of pigeon feed and other products registered in good time as early as autumn. They come up with impressive stands to show the latest developments. The feeling of having returned to a pre-corona situation pushes away all the daily worries! The spring fair is known throughout Europe and far beyond! With complete lofts and facilities, feed, by-products and veterinary advice, Expo Houten is well worth a visit on the first weekend in March. Check out our long list of participants in the magazine, which is growing every day. The pigeon sellers already have a lot of young pigeons in the nest boxes, which are growing up very well. This is perhaps also one of the reasons for the many registrations for the soon to be held 27th fair in Expo Houten! Halls 2 and 3 are full with numerous companies and now that Hall 4 is also filling up with stalls, there are plenty of youngsters to buy again this year. A nice page with numerous posts about the fair has been created on Facebook. In the last few weeks before the fair, this site comes alive. Definitely recommend visiting the Facebook page Voorjaarsbeurs Houten (Spring Fair Houten). Exhibitors will be posting lots of news about their participation there in the coming weeks. Photos of the bred youngsters or discounts and promotions from the business world and much more are currently published.

General information about the exhibition

Edition: 27th Spring Fair 2023

Deadline: 4. & March 5, 2023

Friday: construction and setup

Saturday: 9.00 – 5 p.m Sunday: 9.00 – 2 p.m

Admission: € 14.00 per person, children up to 12 years free!

Location: Meidoornkade 24, 3992 AE, Houten, Netherlands

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