The basic examination should actually be normal for every conscientious pigeon fancier – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

For a long time, the Pigeonvetcenter under the direction of Peter Boskamp based in the Limburg Beek. The Pigeonvetcenter is a department of the Beek Dieter's Knowledge Center. In this center work today 6 veterinarians / veterinarians and 5 veterinary assistants.

In the Pigeonvetcenter based in the Limburg Beek. The Pigeonvetcenter is a department of the Beek Dieter's Knowledge Center. In this center work today

  • Control and medical monitoring of their pigeons
  • Vaccinations (O.A. paratyphoid, smallpox, paramyxovirus)
  • faecal; Fecal samples can be sent by mail
  • Parasitological examinations (O.A. coccidiosis, worms, etc.)
  • Bacteriological tests (O.A. Salmonella, E. coli, etc.)
  • Virale Untersuchungen (o.a. Paramyxo, Adeno etc.)
  • mold tests
  • chlamydia tests
  • Blood tests
  • Fillet and Kloakensabstriche
  • fertility treatments
  • Operations
  • Section
  • Hospitalization and Beaobachtungen

based in the Limburg Beek. The Pigeonvetcenter is a department of the Beek Dieter's Knowledge Center. In this center work today

based in the Limburg Beek. The Pigeonvetcenter is a department of the Beek Dieter's Knowledge Center. In this center work today

based in the Limburg Beek. The Pigeonvetcenter is a department of the Beek Dieter's Knowledge Center. In this center work today

1. basic study feces

If we want to examine the faeces thoroughly, then a collective preparation should be made for the assessment by means of enrichment. To do this, the feces should first be diluted with plenty of water. After proper mixing, the sample is spun in a centrifuge.

If we want to examine the faeces thoroughly, then a collective preparation should be made for the assessment by means of enrichment. To do this, the feces should first be diluted with plenty of water. After proper mixing, the sample is spun in a centrifuge.

An absolute “No. go” If we want to examine the faeces thoroughly, then a collective preparation should be made for the assessment by means of enrichment. To do this, the feces should first be diluted with plenty of water. After proper mixing, the sample is spun in a centrifuge. “assessed”. With this method, there must be talk of a very serious infection before you can even prove anything.

. With this method, there must be talk of a very serious infection before you can even prove anything. “Waste control” . With this method, there must be talk of a very serious infection before you can even prove anything.

2. Parayphus feces examination

In order to get a good insight into an infection with paratyphoid fever in the pigeons, it is important to provide a suitable faecal sample. Good in this case means a properly mixed sample collected over a period of 5 days. Part of this collective sample is used for the bacteriological examination of the Salmonella bacterium. Why a fecal sample of at least 5 days? In this way, the accuracy increases. Recently I had a pigeon fancier in the consulting room who had taken a sample every day for 5 days. He had not mixed the various samples and only delivered a part of them. So it was possible (for science) to make 5 separate cultures of the fecal samples. And what came out? Fecal samples from Day 1, Day 2 and Day 4 were positive and Days 3 and 5 were negative. We then repeated this test again (to rule out coincidences) and again we got the same results.

So this shows us that in the case of a paratyphoid infection, bacteria does not have to be continuously excreted in the faeces.

3. examination of feces on E. coli

So this shows us that in the case of a paratyphoid infection, bacteria does not have to be continuously excreted in the faeces.

"Regular health check is the basis for good aerial race results in the pigeons"

4. investigation of feces on streptococci

As with E. Coli, the presence of streptococci is also often found in the feces. Again reason for some colleagues to administer a cure. We do not share this view either.

As with E. Coli, the presence of streptococci is also often found in the feces. Again reason for some colleagues to administer a cure. We do not share this view either.

As with E. Coli, the presence of streptococci is also often found in the feces. Again reason for some colleagues to administer a cure. We do not share this view either.

As with E. Coli, the presence of streptococci is also often found in the feces. Again reason for some colleagues to administer a cure. We do not share this view either.

A good basic examination certainly includes a crop smear. In addition to the presence of trichomonads, it should also be assessed whether there is mucus in the smear and/or inflammatory cells.

Depending on the degree of trichomoniasis infection, a treatment plan is drawn up. In the case of very severe infections, it is advisable to give one capsule during two consecutive days. We must know that the pigeons drink too little during the cold season. Administration via the drinking water often results in blood levels that are too low, so that the infection is not adequately combated. The pigeons then remain with a residual infection, which is usually back to the initial level after a good two weeks. Feeding regimens are more effective, but the best results are still obtained with individual treatment with capsules.

An infection with hexamites can be detected in a cloacal smear. This infection is particularly important to recognize in the young pigeons and can also be best treated with capsules.

6. clinical investigation

An infection with hexamites can be detected in a cloacal smear. This infection is particularly important to recognize in the young pigeons and can also be best treated with capsules.

An infection with hexamites can be detected in a cloacal smear. This infection is particularly important to recognize in the young pigeons and can also be best treated with capsules.

This examination using a so-called antibiogram can be used to determine which drugs have the best effect on the infected pigeons. In this way, a drug can be produced magistrally in a targeted manner, which means that optimal treatment can take place.

This examination using a so-called antibiogram can be used to determine which drugs have the best effect on the infected pigeons. In this way, a drug can be produced magistrally in a targeted manner, which means that optimal treatment can take place.

This examination using a so-called antibiogram can be used to determine which drugs have the best effect on the infected pigeons. In this way, a drug can be produced magistrally in a targeted manner, which means that optimal treatment can take place.

If there are specific complaints, we have several examination options available to find the cause of the complaints. There can be certain signs that e.g. an infection with fungi is present, which blocks the development of the shape of the pigeons. In order to determine this definitively, specific methods must also be used. If Chlamydia is suspected, you can use a so-called “If there are specific complaints, we have several examination options available to find the cause of the complaints. There can be certain signs that e.g. an infection with fungi is present, which blocks the development of the shape of the pigeons. In order to determine this definitively, specific methods must also be used. If Chlamydia is suspected, you can use a so-called” If there are specific complaints, we have several examination options available to find the cause of the complaints. There can be certain signs that e.g. an infection with fungi is present, which blocks the development of the shape of the pigeons. In order to determine this definitively, specific methods must also be used. If Chlamydia is suspected, you can use a so-called

If desired, the test material can be sent to a laboratory where the presence of Chlamydia can be determined by means of a so-called PCR test. In certain cases, an X-ray examination may also be desirable, or a blood test. The causes of stubborn problems can often only be determined by autopsiing several animals. Detailed tissue examinations and/or bacteriological or viral examinations are necessary in certain cases in order to be able to come to a definitive diagnosis.

If desired, the test material can be sent to a laboratory where the presence of Chlamydia can be determined by means of a so-called PCR test. In certain cases, an X-ray examination may also be desirable, or a blood test. The causes of stubborn problems can often only be determined by autopsiing several animals. Detailed tissue examinations and/or bacteriological or viral examinations are necessary in certain cases in order to be able to come to a definitive diagnosis.

If desired, the test material can be sent to a laboratory where the presence of Chlamydia can be determined by means of a so-called PCR test. In certain cases, an X-ray examination may also be desirable, or a blood test. The causes of stubborn problems can often only be determined by autopsiing several animals. Detailed tissue examinations and/or bacteriological or viral examinations are necessary in certain cases in order to be able to come to a definitive diagnosis.

Boskamp Pigeon by agreement

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