Leo van Rijn

Leo auch in den Jahren erlebte Rhine 2014 und 2015 absolute Highlights in seiner langjährigen Taubenkarriere.
The Grand Master has won everything from the Dutch de Lier what there is to win. But something special is to have the best Dove by very low country, in addition to the regional and national awards and many 1st prizes itself for the success-drenched Leo. This is certainly no fluke, because Leo has over 40 years built a pigeon strain, his same looks. Leo from his Jack and Meulemans has shaped an own strain of pigeon pigeons for decades now is renowned in Europe and achieved spectacular successes on many hits. This is an important indicator of how powerful is a stock.

Leo van Rijn 2015

DAS neben dem Jahre 2014 2015 bescherten Leo und nun schon obligatorischen NPO Sieg weitere phenomenal results.


Only Top-Ergebnisse 2014:
1-2-3-5-13-16, etc. against 4084 pigeons
1-2-8-14-34-39, etc. against 8471 pigeons
1-2-26, etc. against 8543 pigeons
1-2-7, etc. against 3874 pigeons
3-5-6-9-11-17, etc. against 4812 pigeons
2-3-6-8-10-11-14, etc. against 4898 pigeons
5-6-7-8-9-10-14-22, etc. in 3678 Pigeons
1-10-12-17-20-33-39-43-52-57-69-76 etc.
against 3225 pigeons (1 NPO)

1st National Champion pigeon Holland/Netherlands 2014
WHZB & BOTB – En 14-1866653

1st champion middle distance, afd 12 Rayon Westland-the Hague
1st champion youngsters, afd 12 Rayon Westland-the Hague
3rd champion middle distance afd 12
3rd General champion afd 12 – Coastal strip
3rd General afd 12 Rayon Westland – Den Haag
2nd General Pigeon champion, afd 12 Rayon Westland – Den Haag with Pigeon NL12-1,517,947
1st General champion OA, Highflyers de Lier
1st General champion A
1st champion Sprint (A)
1st champion Mid fond OA
1st champion Mid fond (A)
1st champion Eendag f. (A)
2nd champion Eendag f. OA
1st champion Young d. OA
1st champion young d. (A)
1st General Champion Pigeon 1st 1st Best Midf old bird program with Pigeon NL12-1517947


Only Top-Ergebnisse 2015:

04-04-2015 Essen Victoria 60 km Tauben 1526 1-5-7-9-17-49-50-(48/28) NW

12-04-101 Km 343 Tauben Duffel 2015 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-13-14 (46/27) Z

12-04-2015 Duffel 3573 Tauben 101 km 2-4-6-14-16-19-20-21-56-57 (46/27) Z

25-04-2015 Menem 153 km 323 Tauben 1-10-11-27-28-30-26-38 (40/17) SW/rain

25-04-2015 Menem Tauben 3374 1-153 km (20/40)

02-05-2015 Asse Zelik 351 Tauben 122 km 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-15-17-20 28-29-31 (46/25)

02-05-2015 Asse Zelik 4210 Tauben 122km-5-6-7-8-9-13-15-23-27-30-43-47 (46/38) SE

09-05-2015 Pt St Maxence Tauben 319 320 km 2-6-9-17-19 N at (38/14)

24-05-2015 Blois 533 km 135 deaf 4-5-6-17-19-31-33 NW (15/7)

24-07-2015 Blois 533 km 1648 pigeons 22-24-41 (15/7) NW

30-05-2015 Nanteuil 334km 175 pigeons 1-5-7-10-13-16-17-18-22-23 (26/10) W

30-05-2015 Nanteuil 334km 2322 pigeons 1-17-42-52 (26/12) W

06-06-2015 Péronne 248km 178 pigeons 1-4-5-10-12-13-18-20-20-23-33-(20/11) NW

06-06-2015 Péronne 248km 2155 deaf 8 - 27 (20/15) NW

06-06-2015 Vierzon 552km 97 pigeons 2-5-20 (7/3) WNW

06-06-2015 Vierzon 1331 pigeons 14-36 (7/3) WNW

13-06-2015 St just cemetery 166 pigeons 1-9-10-14-24-26-27 (30/8) W

13-06-2015 St just cemetery 1780 doves 4-53-55 (30/11) W

20-06-2015 Duffel 101 km 110 pigeons 1-2-7-11-13-14-15-16-24-26-27 (27/13) NWest

20-06-2015 Duffel 101 km 1380 deaf 2-5-18-46 (27/23) NWest

18-07-2015 Menem 152km 366 pigeons 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-19-20-21-22-23-24-39-40-43 (50 / 24) WZWest

18-07-2015 Menem 152km 2174 doves 4-5-6-7-10-11-13-38-39-40 (50/25) WZWest

01-08-2015 noyon 284km 336 pigeons 1-3-6-9-11-14-15-16-20-25 (40/19) NO / North East

01-08-2015 noyon 284km 2598 pigeons 1-5-26-37-49 (40/19) No.

08-08-2015 Nanteuil 299 pigeons 1-5-6-10-11-12-19-23-28-34-37 (36/17)

08-08-2015 Nanteuil 2062 pigeons 1-22-31-(36/19) North

16-08-2015 PT St Maxence 322 km 253 pigeons 1-2-3-7-9-10-16-(26/10) NWest

16-08-2015 PT St Maxence 322 km 1628 pigeons 1-7-9-24-32-33 (26/14) NWest

22-08-2015 PT St Maxence 322 km 235 doves 4-8-9-13-17-20-21-29-32-35-36 (23/13) OZO / east south east

22-08-2015 PT St Maxence 322 km 1411 pigeons 6-50-51-(12/23) OZO

22-08-2015 Quevrain 180 km 318 pigeons 1-5-6-10-14-16-28-32-40 (27/17)

29-08-2015 Charlevilles Mézière 250km 2080 pigeons 1-24-94 (25/15)

29-08-2015 Charlevilles Mézière of 250km 286 pigeons 1-4-13-20-22-25-26-33-34-35 (25/15)

06-09-2015 Duffel 101 km 190 pigeons 1-2-5-6-10-16-31 NWest

06-09-2015 Duffel 101km 645 deaf 2-3-12-13-25-52 NWest


Leo ist nicht nur ein Spieler, sondern jemand der über alles gut nachdenkt. Sein ist es, ever-Soul DAS Best aus seinen herauszuholen Tauben.
Wenn jemand who Leo über 40 Jahre auf höchstem Dies erfordert ein umfangreiches Fachwissen spielt so level.
Zusammen mit seinem Freund Jan Ouwerkerk ist Leo einer der wenigen jedes Mal auf den Ehrungen zusammen, zu sehen sind.
2014 was started with 38 racers and 2015 with 40.
Diese haben Tauben DAS sehr gut gemacht. DAS System des Züchters Begeisterung und die dabei were Ein bedeutender Factor. ES wurde those total Witwerschaft von Leo praktiziert.
As Leo nor in seinem Betrieb tätig war hatte there Wenig Zeit für seine Tauben. Sie kamen nur Once the day after outside and in the years to 2014-2015 trainierten sie nur einmal eine Stunde. Jetzt Hat there mehr Zeit, aber das System there behält bei.
Tauben, which auf diesem System Es auch erfolgreich Jahrzehnte were were weiterhin tun. Warum also wechseln?
Those were zum Trainieren Tauben nicht gezwungen. Wenn sie keine Lust haben dürfen sie auch auf den Sitzen auf dem Gewächshäusern oder Schlag.
Tauben von Gesundheit und Form in einer guten Faisel schon AB.
That alten Pigeons are not obscured or exposed. This is indeed now by many top breeders made, but This is not necessarily necessary, Leo says. The youngsters, however, are always verdarkens and also exposed.


of Rhine maria

leo Rhine 1st best youngster Netherlands 2014 WHZB BOTB

Young pigeons
If someone puts the best young pigeon of the Netherlands one should assume that this security a very special system requires. Leo's 40 years Top pigeons and that has still not changed. He makes no special Things. Wenn that Tauben gut trainieren sie zweimal were am Haus selbst auf 20-30 km taken away. Youm es ein wenig schwieriger zu machen, aufgelassen sie einzeln were.
Leo meint die dummen Tauben bleiben dann sofort road. In all diesen Jahren gute Erfahrungen damit gemacht Hat there.
Who ersten Jungtauben bleiben that four Flüge zusammen und dann were getrennt. The first flight is usually slightly worse but after disconnecting After 10 days they got it and they train well and the shape increases.
The deaf learn this game the train was immediately very quickly and in 2014 on top speed.
The youngsters are from mid March until 5. June darkened. Starting with the longest day of the year by 04.45 Watch when photographed, however evening not. Leo says, that in the evening the Too much light Attracts mosquitoes and this for Smallpox and others
Diseases are responsible.


The pigeons receive exclusive Mixtures by Beyer. Koopman All-in-one is one versatile Mix and that have the Pigeons necessary, to a very good season to get through. In addition to this Mix is widower mix still the BEYERS given.
Leo is also still on his old system.
Most At the beginning of the week get the pigeons A lot Cleaning feed and from Monday is This percentage always less and increasing the proportion of travel mix.
On the day before the Einkorben be the Pigeons always full fed.
It is important that the breeders well observed his pigeons and sees what is to do.
To the Pigeons additional Proteins and fats to type, a Mix from Hemp seeds, seeds, P40 and Mfed to AIS.


By-products / Medical care
Leo is very reluctant with drugs, but very conscientious with the annual Vaccinations.
Nweight of only against smallpox and Pimmunization for aramyxo, but for years also against Paratyphoid.
That is always without previous treatment made, wmany others do it ie, nor is one Treatment made at a different time.
Leo believes in the very strong Building the immune system by Vaccinations and at natural dietary supplementsWhich one contribute to the To strengthen that body like E.g. Elderberries, Fruit and herbal teas.
He is also the pigeons a lot Grit and Mineral substances available.
Leo knows too well as experienced plant breeders, that a Lack of a single Mineral, that Body functions can block.
Then beat Weakness and Disease to. Scarcity is so catastrophic, but also a Too much at certain Vitamins is disastrously for the body. Therefore Selects Leo his whole life the proximity to the NAture. So get the pigeons 365 days a year Garlic in the TrinkwATER.
The toes are replaced after one or two weeks.

FAST jeden Tag bekommen das Kräuterelixier von Jan that Tauben Smit im Wasser. That Flasche mit weißer K funktioniert sehr gut, und sieht man einen echten bei den Unterschied Tauben.
Es ist eine preiswerte Lösung und seit Leo konsequent verfolgt dieses System finden that Tierärzte NIE etwas.
Es ist nicht so, dass Leo gegen den Einsatz von Medikamenten ist, Aber man muss diese out to our viewers.
Dann wird nichts bei Leo gegeben at all? Nach Ein few Flüge verregneten hat Leo manchmal auch einen schwachen time.
In den letzten Jahren hat there einen Test durchgeführt If nur which Männchen oder nur that Female kurte und die others cousin. Diese jetzt laufen Tests eine Reihe von Jahren und Leo sieht keine Unterschiede. Kurz: Tauben keine Ornithose bekommen nach einem regnerischen Flug. Taubenzüchter think oft, that it is necessary to cure. But the Tests show that this is not necessary. Also against Trichomoniasis is almost never treated.


Root structure
Leo has invested more than 40 years working to form his own pigeon tribe.
With its many references, you must say that he has done this very well. Many breeders keep nothing of pedigrees, but Leo is doing this. Very good pigeons come only from several generations of top pigeons.
The eyes of a dove are very important for Leo.
Not that he believes in a particular theory of the eye, but the eyes are the mirror of the soul. All the top pigeons he has seen in his life have a certain charisma.
It is important that a pigeon has a good look.
Leo don't want cloudy eyes, bright eyes, nothing saying eyes on his beat.

The pigeons, which currently has Leo on the beat are all descendants of the famous
"Benjamin", "265, Benjamin" Benjamin
096 "," Royal "Lady," Jannie "," mighty replay '
"'Double-winner","beautiful Pricess"
'Royal Lady 541' and the large flying miracle
"'Royal crash".

These pigeons are largely Descendants the pigeons by Marien Pieterse from Wemeldinge.
Leo kaufte four Jahre in Fajardo Ein or zwei Located Pro Jahr von einem direkten Son des Alten Mack der Gebrüder
Jackson aus Arendonk und aus einem Sohn des Cadet von Karel Meulemans.

Leo nahm jedes Jahr bewusst fast Nur aus diesen zwei Paaren, da Leo DAS Soul hatte, aus diesen know in Linien einen usurped Stamm aufzubauen.
Der gesamte Schlag von Leo kommt heute aus diesen know in Paaren.
ergänzt um Supertauben von Tournier, Jan Vlet, chose Verdi und Hans vd though. In erster Linie ist es diese Family, welche that Abstammung der besten Jungtaube der NIEDERLANDE/ WHZB 2014 füllt. Da all 10 Jahre frisches Blut benötigt wird müssen that Einführungen von Freund Jan Ouwerkerk aus den Axes 83, 84 und 31 erwähnt werden.
That best Taube in den Niederlanden kommt aus einem Leo Elternpaar, das bei der Schlagg. Dukker has put together. This Dove comes from the successful line of Benjamin.


leo van rijn impact

The females sitting all week in an indoor Aviary. After the training, they come in the bird strike. These are then separated by means of a lattice door.
Many breeders ask Leo whether it would be bad if the females and the males take a look. Leo always responds: "Look at the services, then it can be not bad."
Many make the sport often more difficult than it needs to be in reality.
The males sit in a closed stroke.
The window is open on the bottom but closed with a windshield.
As always even after fresh air in the shock comes, but there are no draughts. By this blow, the pigeons have flown well so it must be alright.
The youngsters sitting the whole day in the Aviary.
Freshness is important. At night, the pigeons sit but in the strike.


To the conclusionss
Here on the Dutch coastline is very difficult to win, especially when you live like Leo in the far West. Leo plays still none in the national top and Teletext placements belong to everyday and are not the exception.
Here at Leo, one finds a very strong pigeon strain selected for years on his good qualities. The many top positions, the extensive references and now the best pigeon of the Netherlands confirm the chosen path of success!
Leo van Rijn has kept intact the old Janssen and Meuleman lines of the 70s and also currently proven as his reputation as a successful breeder!



Leo van Rijn

Hofzichtlaan 7


email: leovrijn@kpnmail.nl

Tel: 31 (0) 6-13 33 54 19

Auction 2015 van rijn with text

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