Healthy pigeons in TOP form – Bony S.G.R. …

Bony S.G.R. contains a number of herbs that promote the immune system. Among others: Echinacea Purpurea, Eleuterococcus and Panax Ginseng. Bony S.G.R also contains a number of herbs that help to optimize digestion, which is visibly manifested in an improvement in the appearance of the stool. The balanced composition ensures that the intestinal flora improves and the growth of yeasts such as Candida Albicans is prevented.

The improved intestinal flora helps to reduce the likelihood of spreading pathogenic coli bacteria. That's why sick pigeons recover much faster and quickly regain their shape. In principle it can Bony S.G.R. given to the pigeons all year round.

The youngsters can Bony S.G.R. received from the day of weaning. But it can also be given to the old pigeons during and before the breeding season. It is also recommended Bony S.G.R. to be administered during the transition from mucus to grain feeding. We then recommend half the dose. So 2.5 ml per liter of water.

We do not recommend daily in the beginning after weaning Bony S.G.R. to give, but only two or three days a week. Bony S.G.R. has such a stimulating effect on the body and shape that the youngsters become visible as dots in the sky too early. The form shouldn't come too soon. As training flights approach, we recommend Bony S.G.R. to give more often. About 10 days before the training flights one should daily Bony S.G.R. administer in drinking water.

In practice we see that the feather quality of the youngsters can be improved by a regular administration of Bony S.G.R. is improved. Bony S.G.R. can be administered simultaneously with medication via the drinking water if the medication is given via the feed. Simultaneous use with other products via drinking water is not recommended.

Bony S.G.R. is an all-natural product that has absolutely no harmful side effects. However, to maintain an optimal balance, we recommend the simultaneous administration of minerals, red stones, etc.

Application: To prevent coli infections, strengthen the immune system, improve the intestinal flora and condition. Furthermore inhibits Bony S.G.R. the growth of mold. You can give it every day for the first two weeks. After that, give it 2 to 3 times a week. In case of illness or intestinal problems daily. Also give daily to prepare for the season.

Dosage: 5 ml per liter Trinkwassser – 3 days a week (E.g. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Before long flights can be given daily. Halve the dosage at Schleimjungen.

boskamp bony sgr

Application: To prevent coli infections, strengthen the immune system, improve the intestinal flora and condition. Furthermore inhibits Bony S.G.R. the growth of mold. You can give it every day for the first two weeks. After that, give it 2 to 3 times a week. In case of illness or intestinal problems daily. Also give daily to prepare for the season.

Dosage: 5 ml per liter Trinkwassser – 3 days a week (E.g. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Before long flights can be given daily. Halve the dosage at Schleimjungen.

Good luck!

Dr. Peter Boskamp

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