Tip of the week by Dr. Raf Herbots

Tip of the week by Dr. Raf Herbots

The beginning of the new Taubensaison is the incubation period? …
If you ask me … and!

Thousands of couples will be used together within the coming weeks. Weeks earlier were studied the Pedigrees breeders to find all about the ideal breeding pair. Mendel's laws are all known as all complicated theories such as line breeding, inbreeding and other ways of farming. Now, I'm the last one, which says that all theories are unnecessary if not as much time for a thorough preparation of the pigeons will be made available. Let me explain. Yesterday I met still a strong gambling breeder. His pigeons were as against paratyphoid with blind in the last few years, from early to mid-October! Brilliant, I thought to myself, and I must confess, when I took the pigeons from the basket they looked fantastic. But then … not only cancer but also a nematode infection were found after the check of the pigeons and the excrement. The breeder could hardly believe it what he heard. In fact … He thought he had done everything necessary … but he had overlooked some important things. His preparation for the breeding season was good, but not perfect!

Let this finding further analyze me. If you are in this situation, there is no reason to panic. The most important, namely the preventive treatment against paratyphoid was carried out in a timely manner. Other infections can be treated immediately immediately Trichomonads and worms at the same time. But you should shift the pairing of two weeks or only treat his pigeons to lay their eggs.
After a short consultation, the lovers decided to heal his pigeons during the breeding season. He was Codiverm against the worms. Is there this preparation on two consecutive days and although 1 teaspoon per liter of drinking water. Because in this case it was a nematode infection two days are enough. If other worms are also available the treatment should be repeated after one week.
I want to give all breeders advice below:

2 weeks before the date of mating:
The days of artificially extend from 6: 00 a.m. to 10: 00 with light. This stimulates the endocrine system. Caution … This applies however only the breeders not for the travel team, because otherwise the moulting early uses and that is not the intention. During this period you should contact 7 days Herbochol plus or Sedochol administered via drinking water.

1 week before mating:
Herbots oils pigeon market ONexpo
Moisten the grains feed with 4 oils or Omega oils every day and dry the mixture with BMT. This is a mixture of beer and milk yeast and wheat germ.
The gift of wheat germ oil plays an important role in the fertility.

During mating:

Provit Forte Herbots pigeon market ONexpo
Administer a tablespoon per liter of drinking water Provit Forte daily. Provit Forte is a vitamin mix specifically for the breeding season. Also give 2 times per week via the grains feed 4 oils or Omega oils with BMT.

Another recommendation:
There should be no infection with worms or Trichomonads the breeding season is also ideal for treating (vaccination) against Paramyxovirose. During the breeding season, the pigeons are usually very quiet and this helps perform the vaccinations.


Good luck!
Her RAF Herbots

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