Levi Hering – Ritting pigeon sport with the whole family…

We are talking about Levi Hering from RV Mannheim City and Country. Levi, now 8 years old and student of the 3rd grade at the comprehensive school in Mannheim. He and his father Ariel Thiemel (38) on the site of BZV 01175 on a site of the world -famous university town of Heidelberg on the site of BZV 01175 on a site designed for to -do pigeons in the Kirchheim district. The Thiemel family originally comes from Upper Silesia and then came to Mannheim to their place of residence. You always had pigeons, but also wanted to use your passion to exercise racing pigeons here. After the beginning in Mannheim, you could buy a blow on the area mentioned above in 2018 and adapt accordingly. Father Ariel, who originally played together with Grandpa Josef (60) in Mannheim, was now able to act independently.

Due to his company, which specializes in the preparation of cars, especially the sporty upper class from Weissach in Swabia, he must of course also accept the paths of residence from Mannheim, company in Schriesheim and TauboMizil in Kirchheim, which of course also one special effort means. Bringing all this "under one hat" is very demanding without participating in the whole family! Levi is then "chauffeured" after the necessary school and the "additional work" in the form of homework and other school preparations in the form of homework and other school preparations, where he then self -employed in his, specially set up, "Works “Can go. After moving the pigeons, of course you wanted to be successful. And this is where old master Klaus Wellm from Meckesheim comes into play. Klaus, now also 88 years old, is still one of the successful in racing pigeons. In 2024 he was able to set the 16th AS-Vogel at the federal level. So far, as a basic inventory of Eddy Janssens from Belgian Zandhoven, which mostly went back to Dirk van Dyck's world -famous “Kannibaal”. Klaus Wellm has and had very good contact with Günter Prange at the time and every year the best in Meppen pigeons were acquired. They then had to be picked up there. The somewhat long route asked Ariel to cover this. So it came that you got a "very good wire" to Günter and you could also draw from the "source in Meppen". The beginnings were made and the way to "above" was paved. The intersections Eddy Janssens with the line of the "cannibaal" with the pigeons from Meppen "802", "520", "1037" etc. caused an enormous upswing. In the meantime, however, one wanted more, but found that not everything "fits" together and so you concentrated again on the existing one.

Again Klaus Wellm came in game, because the results of the Schlages Team Kallen from Moers had to be presented here. Klaus wanted to buy a few young pigeons here and made an appointment in Moers for this, although chauffeur Ariel was of course present. The first encounter was so formative that a family friendship arose between the Thiemel family and the Kallen family. From that day, they agreed to intensify the cooperation and also to ensure that the success. Here you wanted to concentrate on Levi first, because you also wanted to introduce a young sports friend closer to the racing pigeon sport. What came then can also be referred to the input rate. Almost everything was questioned and through the daily telephone exchange, Levi was introduced to his tasks. Of course, father Ariel had to work in the morning, but from the afternoon Levi took over his activities under the guidance of Hermann Kallen. The fact that not everything was equally positive at the beginning should also be perceived as normal here. Hermann created a supply plan, which could then be successfully practiced after a few adjustments.

As a basic feed, the VandeBelem Mixing in the combination with the mixture No. 185 Vanrobaey's Jungububen-Reise training. With regard to the necessary additional products, the products of the Gritsteinwerk Klaus were then used according to the specifications of the Team Kallen. Basic components are then herb mixtures with the necessary amino acids and above all the minerals and trace elements, but by avoiding antibiotics, which then help to ensure the immune system of the young pigeons, as well as health. According to Hermann Kallen, young pigeons are currently not usable for future tasks, since they miss the necessary immune system that must then be treated again and again. You should also pay particular attention to the intestinal flora, because a lot takes place here. Of course, it is also darkened and exposed for 10 hours from the long day of the year, otherwise you could not achieve these results. If you look at the results of the expired young animal trip, you can actually only pull the hat ":
1. Young flight - 10.8.2024 - Savernne - 115 km - RV 1,921 TB. - FG 2.156 TB. Even 27/RV 10 prices - FG 9 prices
2nd young flight - 17.8.2024 - Savernne - 115 km - RV 742 Tb. - FG 895 TB. Self: 23/ RV 20 prices - FG 20 prices
3. Young flight - 24.8.2024 - Luneville - 178 km - RV 856 TB. - FG 1.014 TB. Self: 24/ RV 20 prices - FG 20 prices
4. Young flight - Sarrbourg - 137 km - RV 560 Tb. - FG 718 TB. Self: 23/ RV 19 prices - FG 18 prices 1E - 2EA - 2EA - 4E
5. Young flight - Nancy - 200 km - RV 428 TB. - FG 569 TB. Self: 21/ RV 21 prices - FG 21 prices 1E - 2E - 3EA - 3EB etc.
This then meant the 1e young flight master of the RV, as well as the 1E-3E 4E and 5e best young pigeon and as a crowning glory 1st place at the Vanrobaeys Superstars 2024 of the year YOUTH CUP.
The RV Mannheim City and Land set 1,785 deafs on the first old flight, e.g. of 39 breeders and belongs to the regional association 452.
If you then look at the descent of the best young pigeon, you can then take the path taken and the "chance" can take a little: 01175-24-270, a pale female with 5/5 and 444.05 pts. comes from a grandson of the "1037", one of the "superstar's" by Günter Prange with the best from the team's breeding strike.

Keep it up !!!!
Success can not be a coincidence !!!
Levi Hering - Stolzeneck 3 - 68219 Mannheim - Mail: t.ariel@freenet.de
Report by: Klaus Sax