LUC DE LAERE – Four provincial wins in 2024…

We let Luc have the floor: “I didn’t expect it myself, but my 53rd provincial victory is a fact,” says Luc. “I will always remember this win because it is very special. My wife and I couldn't wait for our pigeons to arrive on Sunday because our first granddaughter was baptized on Sunday September 8th at 12 p.m. At that moment that was more important to us than our pigeons. At 12.45 p.m., when the baptism was over, I took a quick look at KBDB-Online to see whether pigeons from Argenton had already been registered at the national level. I was very surprised when I saw my name in second national place. Was that true? Will we win a provincial victory at the baptism of our granddaughter Ina if we are not at home ourselves? Yes, it really happened.”

A special detail: The winning hen is a granddaughter of Luc's 1st National Châteauroux 2022 and the 1st National Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance KBDB 2022 “Armin”.

The Röhnfried system

The pigeons live all year roundAvidress plus into the drinking water. They always receive from the end of February to the beginning of MarchWitches beer in combination withUsneGano about the food. This will take a weekPavifac-Bierhefe dried and used in the next weekHerb and vegetable mix.

From mid-March the birds feed dailyCarni-speed into the drinking water, which ensures that they train well and maintain good condition. During April they have their first short flights. On arrival is alwaysMUMM andBt-Amin Strong in the trough. The food comes withUsneGano moistened withHerb and vegetable mix mixed for three meals. On Tuesday and Wednesday Luc usesAvidress plus in the drinking water andWitches beer over the food. They always get it on the day of basketing Avipharm into the water.

As the season progresses, as the flights become longer and the pigeons have to stay in the basket for two nights, there are some adjustments. Then they get the combination of when they arriveBt-Amin Strong,MUMMandRotosal,if the flight was very strenuous, even over several days. In this phase the food is includedGervit-W andUsneGano moistened withK+K-Protein 3000 tied off. After that they getHessechol, in conjunction with the conditioning powderRO 200ready. On the day of use the pigeons receive Avipharm and depending on the weather, additionallyRotosal.

Beste flüge 2024

  • Argenton against 2,325 pigeons 1st prize provincial
  • Bourges against 5,074 pigeons 1st prize provincial
  • Argenton against 3,661 pigeons 1st prize provincial
  • Bourges against 4,406 pigeons 1st prize provincial

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