BEYERS Co-Creations – there Movies…


BEYERS does not believe in working on its products for the pigeon market from the top of its ivory tower. Pigeon fanciers are employed at different levels within the organisation, from production to sales and management, and these people can empathize perfectly with the experiences of modern pigeon racing. In addition, the company has some very strong working relationships with the very top of today's pigeon sport, both at home and abroad. Your feedback on your practical experience with BEYERS products enables us to continuously optimize the mixtures and supplementary products.

This intense collaboration has resulted in the joint development of a range of very high quality mixes and supplements that fit the feed vision and strategy of a number of top pigeon fanciers.

With these films you will find the story of how each of these co-creations was developed. We present the specific properties of the mixture and/or supplement and inform you about the feeding regime and strategy of the champion in question.

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