Vanrobaeys News…

The weekend was marked by shifts in flights from Friday to Sunday on both the southern and eastern routes. The flight controllers had their hands full trying to cope with the rather difficult conditions. In many places there were also flight cancellations due to the dubious departure and arrival conditions. The RV Frankfurt-Taunus had decided at short notice to move the race from Toul (260km) planned for Saturday to Friday, or e.g. the RV Odenwald-Gersprenztal to cancel their flight entirely. The RVs located to the north were mostly able to carry out their flights as planned on Saturdays, with those located somewhat to the south often switching to Sundays. The lowest number of flight meters was on Sunday with 1,167.084 flgm./min. on the south-east direction and the highest number of flight meters on Sunday at 238 km with 2,150.121 flgm./min = around 129 km/h!
In Belgium, too, the weather was quite different and so some fanciers decided not to enter their pigeons on prize flights this weekend and to give them the chance to complete a few smaller intermediate flights in the middle of the week before the upcoming national flights. When looking through the respective price lists, it became clear that the "pre-named" in particular had a hard time getting to the top of the list given the relatively high number of meters flown.

One of the big winners of the weekend was the West-Vlaamse SG Heide + Luc Sioen from Moorslede. From Montoire-sur-le-Loir with 384 km they were able to against 3,336 Oude + Jaarse in the West-Vlaams Samenspel Provincial:
1e – 2e – 4e – 5e and 6e.

May 15, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - Strasburg - 221 km - 25 breeders - 1,057 pigeons
May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km – selbst: 99/85 – 1a – 1b – 3e – 4e

May 15, 2021 - RV Gießen Nord - Schwabach - 223 km - 32 breeders - 927 pigeons

SG Wolf + Son, Giessen – selbst: 68/50 – 1a – 1b – 3a – 3b – 5e

May 15, 2021 - RV Bergisch-Gladbach - Höchstadt - 300 km - 9 breeders - 291 pigeons

Georg Fröhlingsdorf, Berg.-Gladbach – self: 60/47 – 1e to 19e

May 15, 2021 - FG Bayer Leverkusen - Dettelbach - 266 km - 61 breeders - 2,555 pigeons

May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km – selbst: 83/64 – 1e – 3e – 4e

May 15, 2021 - RV Sieg-Westerwald - Schlüsselfeld - 251 km - 20 breeders - 993 pigeons

Badriem family – 138/108 – 1e to 14e

May 15, 2021 - FG RV Hoher Westerwald - Höchstadt - 244 km - 45 breeders - 1,694 pigeons

Florian Grundmeier – himself: 59/38 – 1e – 2e – 3e

May 16, 2021 - RV Viernheim and surroundings - St. Dizier - 281 km - 25 breeders - 681 pigeons

Richard Helfrich, Viernheim – himself: 18/11 – 1e

It is to be hoped that the current weather forecasts will "normalize" a bit again in order to be able to make the coming weekends a little "easier" for the individual flight controllers!


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