Vanrobaeys News…

The weekend again brought very good results for Vanrobaeys customers on the races that took place.
The weekend again brought very good results for Vanrobaeys customers on the races that took place.
In Germany, release was mostly on Saturdays and bankruptcy times were around 10 minutes in both the south-west and south-east directions, with the release location in Pforzheim not being a "highlight" for sports fans from the Munich region. represented, because after the release at 8:25 a.m. one had to be content with a bankruptcy time of more than 5 hours. The fastest pigeon this weekend was the RV Itzehoe with 1,705.334 flgm./min. indicate at a distance of 146 km.
In Germany, release was mostly on Saturdays and bankruptcy times were around 10 minutes in both the south-west and south-east directions, with the release location in Pforzheim not being a "highlight" for sports fans from the Munich region. represented, because after the release at 8:25 a.m. one had to be content with a bankruptcy time of more than 5 hours. The fastest pigeon this weekend was the RV Itzehoe with 1,705.334 flgm./min. indicate at a distance of 146 km.

In Germany, release was mostly on Saturdays and bankruptcy times were around 10 minutes in both the south-west and south-east directions, with the release location in Pforzheim not being a "highlight" for sports fans from the Munich region. represented, because after the release at 8:25 a.m. one had to be content with a bankruptcy time of more than 5 hours. The fastest pigeon this weekend was the RV Itzehoe with 1,705.334 flgm./min. indicate at a distance of 146 km.
Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Serge Elsacker-Kirsten Jepsen, Schilde Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Gino Clique, Wevelgem Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind
Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

Guy van der Auwera, Gooreind

May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km
May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km
May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km

May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km
May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km
May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km

May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km
May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km
May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km

May 1st, 2021 - RV Hamburg 1889 - 26 breeders - 1,333 pigeons - Pachim - 120 km

SG D + F + N Bad file
SG D + F + N Bad file
SG D + F + N Bad file

SG D + F + N Bad file

SG D + F + N Bad file
SG D + F + N Bad file

SG D + F + N Bad file

SG D + F + N Bad file
SG D + F + N Bad file


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