Results: DERBY ARONA 2021 – 280 km final flight on Saturday, March 27, 2021…

Ledesma Global Ltd. was very happy to be able to carry out the final flight of the International Derby ARONA 2021 on March 27th in good weather. The arrivals of the pigeons were per LIVESTREAM Ledesma Global Ltd. was very happy to be able to carry out the final flight of the International Derby ARONA 2021 on March 27th in good weather. The arrivals of the pigeons were per “Derby Arona” has turned out to be within a few years “World class” - Pigeon racing event established. Thanks to the organizer, the brutally honest breeder who believes in the feasibility of his event and is ready to face the "Atlantic" with all its challenges. The participants compete against the best endurance pigeons in the world, offering many emotions to the breeder throughout the event with the aim of beating the best in the world and being crowned. The risk of flying over the open ocean requires the highest level of orientation, physical fitness, endurance, courage and iron will from a pigeon wishing to return to its homeland.

- Pigeon racing event established. Thanks to the organizer, the brutally honest breeder who believes in the feasibility of his event and is ready to face the "Atlantic" with all its challenges. The participants compete against the best endurance pigeons in the world, offering many emotions to the breeder throughout the event with the aim of beating the best in the world and being crowned. The risk of flying over the open ocean requires the highest level of orientation, physical fitness, endurance, courage and iron will from a pigeon wishing to return to its homeland.

- Pigeon racing event established. Thanks to the organizer, the brutally honest breeder who believes in the feasibility of his event and is ready to face the "Atlantic" with all its challenges. The participants compete against the best endurance pigeons in the world, offering many emotions to the breeder throughout the event with the aim of beating the best in the world and being crowned. The risk of flying over the open ocean requires the highest level of orientation, physical fitness, endurance, courage and iron will from a pigeon wishing to return to its homeland.…(click)

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