Dirk Van Dyck 2020…

If you want to find Dirk, you have to look in the dovecote!

It is sometimes said that some lovers sleep in their dovecote and I believe Dirk Van Dyck is one of them. It is not a single simple punch, but rather to be understood as a broad plain in which one finds several simple and solid shots. Dirk can always be found in one of these fields. In recent years he has developed some difficulty walking and has to use a walking stick. For more than 30 years now, he has scored very nice victories every year.

The van Dyck pigeon is famous

For Dirk, everything still revolves around the superior "Kannibaal", who became the national ace KBDB. This blood was anchored through inbreeding and we can find it in almost the entire colony. There was a good reinforcement with pigeons from Op de Beeck - Baetens, M. Wouters, G. Vandewouwer, M. Vandevelde, LBJ Geerinckx, L. Van Den Brandt, MG Vercammen, J. Vercammen and Leo Heremans (Dirk has the famous Di Caprio bought).

cannibal gross


“In addition to a high-quality feed mix, all pigeons also receive fresh grit every day and, in their drinking water, 365 days a year, the combination of Avidress Plus and UsneGano. If you use these two products, the chances of your pigeons becoming infected with trichomonads or coccidiosis are minimal. Keep it simple, but do what you have to do ”. At least once a week Dirk also uses Gervit-W, a vitamin complex that has been around for years, but for Dirk it is the best he can give his pigeons.

As soon as the season is over after the last short distance races, for Dirk it is the beginning of October, he places open aviaries in front of everyone Blow. “In this way my pigeons can freely choose whether they prefer want to sit inside or outside and enjoy the oxygen. These Time is very important. During this time the pigeons often have the Possibility to take a bath (always with the Röhnfried bath salt). The ensures that they shed the skin and make the feathers much lighter get rid of it and it also prevents mites and lice. Feel the pigeons yourself better as a result. Do not forget that healthy pigeons do better moult! ".

During the moulting season, Dirk uses many vitamins such as Gervit-W and a lot of Hessechol in the feed, which is fed with dried Pavifac brewer's yeast in combination with the herb powder (herb-vegetable mix). "This contains a lot of good and you can tell that the pigeons need it".


“In the spring, beginning in February, they get three or four Witches beer daily for weeks. You can tell the difference quickly because that old down dress that they still have comes out. The pigeons will beautiful pink and you get more desire to exercise ”. He dares too repeating this during the season, because that too makes for a good rest and they stay in good shape. Here he also adds Avidress and UsneGano added.

I think Dirk Van Dyck was one of the first to like Used carnitine. Two weeks before the first flight he starts Use Carni-Speed. From that moment on, they each get this Day until the end of the season.

Van Dyck likes to use L-carnitine because it also ensures better fat burning and you can easily participate in the races every week. In order to keep their head clean, they are regularly breathless (free bronchial tubes) in spring - especially during this time, when the temperature is lower and the wind often blows past the head, so that they really need it at this time. In the further course of the season, when the 300km race is on the program, the pigeons receive Rotosal, Bt-Amin forte and K + K-proteins when they come home from the flight. The K + K tablets are always in his pocket. These ensure that the pigeons become nice and round much faster. There are no hard and fast rules here, but a lot depends on the weather conditions.

The recipe for success

“The secret is: work hard for it and look for good ones Pigeons, but also a strong selection is important. It is better, to have fewer pigeons in a compartment. It's easier and you can do everything that is necessary every day! ”.

What would you like to tell our readers?

“If you watch carefully, the pigeons show what they need here you have to react. This can be learned through notes and experience. If you do all of these you can score and try to win that's what this is all about! ”Wise words from an old hand in the industry!

Best flights 2020:

13/06, Melun - 1707 year olds: 1, 2, 14, 23, 62, 63, 67, 73, 85, 96, 111, ... (27/36)

06/07, Noyon - 662 boys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15, 19, 23, 25, 33, 35, ... (22/47)

07/25, Fay Aux Loges - 1219 Junge: 1, 2, 6, 14, 23, 39, 55, 57, 76, 95,… (21/46)

26/07, Noyon - 885 boys: 1, 4, 5, 8, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 27, 39, 46, 47, ... (33/64)

02/08, Noyon - 1299 boys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 24, 30, 35, 46, 48, 49, 53, ... (52/99)

Contact info

Tel: +32 34845816
email: dirkvandijck59@hotmail.com

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