MINERALS feed, but how?

No life without minerals…

Natural minerals are essential for the well-being and health of our pigeons; by the recording and

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The balance of minerals, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements in organically available form maintains the symbiosis of the intestine, regulates the acid-base balance and thus strengthens the immune system of the carrier pigeon. An intact immune system successfully fights off pathogens. Herbs, for example, contain many minerals and trace elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, sulfur, etc.). The need-based supply of minerals promotes, supports and activates the entire metabolism of our carrier pigeons. A lack of minerals can manifest itself in numerous problems. Minerals have a basic effect in the organism. They balance hyperacidity and contribute to a balanced acid-base balance. An unbalanced acid-base balance is the cause of many diseases. During detoxification, minerals neutralize and help build and balance the body's protective system. Herbs also contain many vitamins, for example vitamin C has a pronounced free-radical scavenging function, is considered a natural antioxidant and strengthens the immune system. Carotene and vitamin A support the important cell metabolism. The silicic acid is an important nutrient and building material for the fast-growing cells of the skin and feathers.

Naturally occurring substances can be better utilized by pigeons and open-minded than synthetic. Albeit in relation to synthetic mineral feed mostly smaller amounts

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vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements are contained in natural substances, the advantage lies in feeding the fact that they can be digested and utilized 100%. In this realization example, the grit products of the company are based. Klaus, thanks to the present, especially rich Doberg marl an ideal Mineralstoffzufütterung allow. The PicoCarbon complements these properties by the addition contained herbs. Both products bring essential for racing pigeons components of nature in the blow. A 100% recovery of minerals and calcium, is also in liquid form, thanks to the specially designed AminoPrime, Possible.

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