Product of the Week: Muscle Forte KLAUS – longer fly fast…

muscle Forte is a product for regenerating the muscles of carrier pigeons after and in preparation for training and competition flights. With its unique high-dose active ingredient complex, Muscle Forte with its performance-enhancing effect is ideal for a gentle massage on the stressed wing and abdominal muscles of successful carrier pigeons.

claus muscle forteThe important nutrients to the muscles, which can be done via the gift of food supplements only much more slowly, is achieved through the specific absorption and concentrated effect on the working muscles by applying to the skin. Thus, a turbo muscle regeneration is possible.

Application: spray before inserting, after the house training and by price flights two to three sprays on the muscle to be treated and massage intensely for about 30-45 seconds.

muscle Forte can be applied to the regeneration of the muscles to accelerate significantly, the application before stress is the optimal nutrient supply to the muscles and ensures longer, consistently high rates of pigeon after each stress on the muscles.

Note: After using muscle Forte can with insufficient Einmassierdauer remain a white film, these valuable nutrients not worked evaporate autonomous.

They buy products here…(click)


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