“Regular health checks are the basis for good breeding, moulting and racing results in pigeons”

Pigeons forest camp-surgery-and-on-appointment-German


For a long time, the Pigeonvetcenter under the direction of Peter Boskamp located in the Limburg Beek. The Pigeonvetcenter is a department of Diergeneeskundig Centrum Beek. In this center to work today 6 veterinarians / veterinarians and 5 veterinary assistants.

In the Pigeonvetcenter They receive professional veterinary support on all aspects of pigeon sport. The following services can take:

  • Control and medical monitoring of their pigeons
  • Vaccinations (O.A. paratyphoid, smallpox, paramyxovirus)
  • faecal; Fecal samples can be sent by mail
  • Parasitological examinations (O.A. coccidiosis, worms, etc.)
  • Bacteriological tests (O.A. Salmonella, E. coli, etc.)
  • Virale Untersuchungen (o.a. Paramyxo, Adeno etc.)
  • mold tests
  • chlamydia tests
  • Blood tests
  • Fillet and Kloakensabstriche
  • fertility treatments
  • Operations
  • Section
  • Hospitalization and Beaobachtungen

You can find more information about study opportunities in www.pigeonvetcenter.com.

Inclusion of nature

Pigeonvetcenter goes one step further in the letter pigeon sport accompaniment. In addition to the normal use of medicines in particular are also alternative health products for use (for example, herbs).

In the last 35 years new ways were sought again and again to strengthen the general natural resistance of the pigeons. This can help them process the negative effects of a disease. The aim of the food supplements of Bony Farma  ist die Schaffung einer optimierten natürlichen Abwehr, welche in der Lage ist, die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Erkrankung zu minimieren. Die Produkte von Bony Farma basieren auf einer Vielzahl von Wirkstoffkombinationen und Kräutern welche die Abwehrkräfte und die Luftwege unterstützen, die Darmflora verbessern und die Flugleistungen fördern.

Diese Produkte tragen in Kombination mit vorsorgenden Impfungen dazu bei, die Tauben mit einem verbesserten Immunsystem in die jeweilige Saison gehen zu lassen. Dadurch werden unnötige Kuren während der Saison vermieden. Dies wiederum bietet mehr Möglichkeiten, die Form der Tauben zu steigern und dadurch die Flugeistungen zu verbessern. Im modernen Taubensport ist der Spielraum zwischen Sieg und Niederlage sehr klein. Deshalb ist es um so wichtiger, nichts dem Zufall zu überlassen.

Bony Farma

The starting point in the Bony Farma products is to promote the health of pigeons by the administration of complementary feed. These are natural feed supplements that help to optimize health. Both during the moulting, breeding and the racing season this feed supplements untersützen the welfare of the pigeons which they are able to perform better.

The "Red thread" in this approach is the natural Bony S.G.R.A s immune forming, acidifying herbal drink. This drink helps in the high mass for healthy, vigorous growth of the (young) pigeons in and that they need less medication in general. The immune system develops better and teething show fewer symptoms. Less energy to tackle the disease is used. Energy that is necessary for optimal growth and achieving top form!

other knownBony Farma Products are: Bony Omega 3 Flight oil, Bony Omega 3 Flight Oil Octa 20.000 with, inter alia, Octacosanol, Bony Omega 3 Nucleovit with, inter alia, Nucleotides, Bony Omega 3 Breeding Oil with a high content of EPA and DHA and Bony Omega Flight oil 2.0.

find them on a complete overview of Bony Farma Productswww.bonyfarma.com.




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