Ideal for the young pigeon journey 2022 – VANROBAEYS Jungtauben Reise Exclusiv…

Vanrobaeys exclusive mixtures

Pigeon racing is constantly evolving. Therefore, manufacturers of pigeon feed in their effort must be maintained, because standing still is going backwards. We maintain a good relationship with top breeders who continue to give us their experiences of modern pigeon sport.

The result is zufinden back in the compilations of these new mixtures. The strict quality controls garanieren for absolute quality and of course clean pigeon feed.

Perfectly balanced mixture trip for youngsters, easily digestible including through the enhancement of barley and Paddy Reis.

Youngsters Travel Exclusive provides the perfect balance of legumes, fats, carbohydrates and protein, which mixture can be fed via a travel mix safely all week.

contains these youngsters travel mixture 23 different varieties of grains and seeds, including 4 varieties of the highest quality Cribbs maize.

vanrobaeys juni 2017


25% Cribbs Mais (gelb/rot/small/bordeaux)
12% Dari white
9% wheat white
8% Paddy Reis
7% barley white
7% cardy
6% milo corn red French
3.5% small green peas
3% small yellow peas
2.5% soybean roasted whole
2% dunpeas
2% Wicken
2% linseed
2% Buckwheat
2% yellow millet
2% hemp seed
2% rapeseed shone
1% Maple Peas
1% katya idjoe
1% sunflower seeds striped

Nutritional values

13.1% crude protein
7.4% Rohfett
58.0% carbohydrates

More information on Vanrobaeys Logo pigeon market ONexpothey find mixes here…(click)


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