Tag archives: Hendriks



    Each year top results… Specialization The results of the father-son combination of Nijwiller are truly amazing. The last flight of the season is always "the cherry on the icing." In 2017, the international flight from Narbonne was: At a distance of 881 km compared 8,480 years - and with only five year olds…

  • Already & Florian Hendriks - NATIONAL CHAMPION one-day long distance "Holland" ...

    Already & Florian Hendriks – NATIONAL CHAMPION one-day long distance "Holland"…

    NATIONAL CHAMPION one-day long distance "Holland" in 2016 specializing in one-day long distance flights in Holland, this father-son duo, Jo (painter retired) and his son Florian (IT-ler) from Nijswiller in Holland (close to Maastricht in the Dutch province of Limburg), results have been achieved super. Over the years, they specialize in what you…

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