Author archives: Peter Kocks

  • Vanrobaeys Superstars 2016 - all information ...

    VANROBAEYS superstars 2016 – all of the information…

    In Travel 2015 Vanrobaeys superstars were honored at the International Taubenmarkt in Kassel for the first time. The interest was extraordinarily large and the winners were rewarded with attractive prizes and a lot of attention. Even in 2016 this competition is for all German pigeon fancier. The suggestions were…

  • Power Decisive factors for the journey - from Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    Performance-critical factors for the journey – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

    The energy during the race will takes place mainly in the pigeon from the fat burning. The energy value of fat is approximately twice as high as that of the same amount of carbohydrate or protein. However, the pigeon needs not only essential fatty acids from a correspondingly high-fat food, but also minerals, vitamins and trace elements…

  • RIC COOLS - AS-females without end ...

    RIC COOLS – AS females without end…

    Rik Cools was a tremendous start in 2015 succeeded his female team surprised the competition on the provincial flight from Clermont on May 9 with: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th ... and 14 rates of 23 set against 6,559 pigeons! The quality of his colony he could on the one week later…

  • PIGEON BIDS Extra Edition - Stafaan Lambrechts...

    PIGEON BIDS extra Edition – Stafaan Lambrechts…

    Unique offer of 15 original pigeons from Lambrechts Stafaan! Stafaan had in 2015 one of the best years of travel. In each part taken middle distance he made the 1st prize. In this travel season, he wins the 1st National Ace Pigeon KBDB middle distance youngsters 2015! The pigeons from Stefaan Lambrechts are also…

  • Uwe Kreutzfeldt died ...

    Uwe Kreutzfeldt has died…

    With great sadness we have taken the death of Uwe Kreutzfeldt note. The editor of the magazine Taubenmarkt / The racing pigeon and organizer of the International pigeon market in Kassel Uwe Kreutzfeldt died last Sunday. With his letter deaf sports Uwe has the German but also the international pigeon sport very marked and…

  • BEYERS Newsletter April 2016...

    Beyer Newsletter April 2016…

    Welcome to the new BEYERS Newsletter! With the new BEYERS newsletter is to inform you about our latest product developments, while presenting some power punches that have accomplished with our feeding system great achievements. Here you can see the Beyers Newsletter April 2016 View as PDF file or download…(click)…

  • TOP results 2016 ...

    TOP Ergebnisse 2016…

    Directly at the beginning of the season 2016 our PREMIUM show breeder with excellent results: For the 2nd time in two flights makes Willy Steen Aerts of Lummen 1st prize !!! Also Etienne Pauwels from Kermt is at the top of the price list !!! VOOR SQUARE WEST Data Technology Deerlijk (55027)…

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