Author archives: Peter Kocks

  • Sweepstakes Company Vanrobaeys ...

    Sweepstakes Company Vanrobaeys…

    Win one of 5 Vanrobaeys travel packages worth 150, - €! Participation is easy! Please enter your email address and maybe you are one of the lucky winners. The campaign will run until the end of July 2016. The winners will be announced via email. This offer can not…

  • Product of the Week - RÖHNFRIED pigeons GAMBAMIX ...

    Product of the week – RÖHNFRIED pigeons GAMBAMIX…

    Just what you've been waiting for! Pigeon-Gambamix 10 mg carnidazole proven formula Trichomonadenbehandlung pigeon-Gambamix Active Ingredients: 1 tablet contains: 10 mg dosage form carnidazole Tablets for entering Applications: For the treatment and forward bending of trichomoniasis (yellow button). Dosage: Prevention: 1 coated tablet per pigeon push deep into the throat. Treatment of diseased animals: 2-3 days…

  • AGENT International 2016 - Rekordteilnahme ...

    AGEN International 2016 – Rekordteilnahme…

    The International winner of Agen in the category “Old” is Stevens Jan (Schinveld, NL). The pigeon was on Sunday at 18:12:50 AM with an average speed of 1250.41 m / min. registered. The International winner of Agen in the category “Years” is Emser Wolfgang (Homburg-Saar, Germany). The pigeon was on Sunday at 17:07:18…

  • Killer germs and antibiotic resistance - from Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    Killer germs and antibiotic resistance - from Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    More and more people for harmful germs spread out, because they have become resistant to antibiotics. With more and more patients in hospitals such bacteria are detected. Doctors and agricultural ministries indicate a connection with the use of drugs in animal fattening. Between 15,000 and 40,000 people die each year different estimates…



    Belgium Barcelona specialist in recent years has Lieven Buelens from Scherpenheuvel. His pigeons showed outstanding performance on both the fast and the hard races but also to other long distance races in this Spain Classic. In 2015 Lieven also won with his wonder pigeon “Primus” B 08-2029169 entitled 1.Nationale…

  • PAU International 2016 - 1. Prize Kees Dry, NL ...

    PAU International 2016 – 1. Preis Kees dry, NL…

    Den 1. Preis International Pau erringt Kees Droog aus Andijk in den Niederlanden Die Taube wurde am Montag um 04:24:19 Uhr nach einem Flug von 1127 km mit einer durchschnittlichen Geschwindigkeit von 1282.71 Meter/Min. registriert. Nationalsieger Deutschland: Wolfgang Emser, Homburg-Saar Die Taube wurde am Sonntag um 21:32:47 Uhr nach

  • HDI Versicherungen - "New contact - improved conditions for pigeon fanciers"

    HDI insurance – 'New contact - improved conditions for pigeon fanciers'

    HDI Versicherungen Herzlich Willkommen bei unseren attraktiven Angeboten für Brieftaubenzüchter Exklusiv für Sie – als Brieftaubenzüchter – noch günstigerer HDI-Versicherungsschutz: Spezielle Sonderkonditionen aufgrund Ihrer Verbandsmitgliedschaft Fordern Sie jetzt Ihr unverbindliches Angebot an unter oder gleich anrufen unter 02181-7830978. HDI Service Center für Brieftaubenzüchter Dominic Bauch

  • The "TIPES Club discount" - NEWS by the inventor of the electronic detection system for the pigeon sport ...

    The "TIPES Club Tee" – NEWS from the inventor of the electronic time recording system for the pigeon sport…

    „Die Holländer sind mal wieder einen Schritt Voraus“, so freut sich Markus Motz, Produktmanager und verantwortlich für die aktuellen Entwicklungen bei der Motz GmbH in Höxter für die TIPES Produktlinie !!! Der „TIPES Club Abschlag“ ist die neueste Innovation des Marktführers bei den elektronischen Konstatiersystemen . „Ziel dieser Weiterentwicklung

  • Super results from Germany, Belgium and Holland June 10-12, 2016...

    Super results from Germany, Belgium and Holland June 10-12, 2016...

    Herbots Bros. – Dormaal (s) 10-06-16 Bourges 577 old 458 km 1-12-13-17-19-24-42-45-46-49-51-62-63-75-103-118-120- 125-144-145-146-154-160-175 24/50 3373 old AWC (Semi-National 5 provinces of Belgium) 2-63-68-103-122-143-250-258-260-266-271-304-309-371-554-622-625-667-796-812-819 -865- 911-1008-1109 25/50 Bourges 719 yearlings 458 km 1-2-4-10-13-26-72-79-101-105-107-108-112-126-137-139-149- 150-151-152-156-159-166-168- 178-181-188-198-199-206-210-227-231-237 34/56 4208 yearlings AWC (Semi-National 5 provinces of Belgium) 8-30-41-101-124-227-453-481-603-639-652-657-685-773-837-839-933-946-948-950-977 -991- 1053-1065-1133-1148-1221-1293-1297-1341-1359 31/56 Chateauroux 324 Old 510 km 35-45…

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