The "TIPES Club Tee" – NEWS from the inventor of the electronic time recording system for the pigeon sport…

"The Dutch are once again a step ahead," said Markus Motz, Product Manager and responsible for the latest developments in the Motz GmbH in Hoxter for TIPES product line would be !!!

Of the "TIPES Club discount " is the latest innovation from the market leader in electronic Konstatiersystemen.

tipes Club tee NL

"The aim of this development is to simplify and speed up the sequence in clubs / employment places," Markus Motz explains the idea behind this news.
"TYPES hat den Remote tee developed and this method has now also in an extended version for the clubs and operation sites. All data is made available in digital form. Thus, the prints can now be performed without restrictions with any printer. The complete sequence in the clubs / operation sites is now processed in a single run. This requires less human use, saving more than 50% of the processing time. "

be had earlier not printed until then read and processed after that everything goes in one go today.

"If the system is also safe," the valid question to Markus Motz.
"Safety is of course paramount and is the "TIPES Signatur iS" , Ensures an integral part of the solution. Incidentally, the security system "TIPES Signatur iS" since 5 years of success in the low loading in use. In this way, manipulation of the data from the business application to the finished price list is excluded. Interesting for the German breeders: all German TIPES systems are already equipped with this software component - it is used only not for lack of approval.

"When will these sensible components available in Germany?"

Markus Motz: "A request for approval of the "TIPES Club discount" is set in Germany in the fall of the German Federation. "

One can only hope that this procedure and then the security system “Tipes signature eST "meets with open ears by the competent bodies of the association.

Advantages at a glance:
* All steps in one pass (knocking – To press – Data transfer)

* More than 50% faster than before

* All data is stored digitally

* The prints are possible with any printer

* Security at the highest level
Note .: For the moment, this process is only permitted in the Netherlands.


they get more information at:

Markus Motz
Penny width 20-22
D-37671 Höxter

Tel.: 0 52 71/97 04 – 0



tipes advertising-03-2015


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