Beyer newsletter December 2015…

Markus Bauenschmidt - tip flying churning
An explosion of power also again by 2015

Already no stranger
For more than ten years, Markus Bauenschmidt in Franconia ensures outstanding flight results. The pigeon sport he was place and Alfred Höfel, which he was allowed to look at as a teenager over the shoulders his friend Rudi. Since there were professional aspects in the foreground at the beginning however, the pigeon racing had to stand first back. The hobby to professional sports, which today operates 43 year old with fullest commitment to the was until years later.
After the regional association Championship was won in 2004 for the first time, this up and coming breeder was no longer the podium to get away. Since then, he was always among the first masters to find. Particularly in the spotlight the countless first bankruptcies fall in recent years - 2014 alone there were nine.

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