PREMIUM auction gebr. VAN GESTEL, bevel…

Herman van Gestel - a "master to be touched"


Herman van Gestel Zuechter Brieftauben Market


Looking for Super fast pigeons my path led me to bevel to Herman van Gestel, which forms a shock community together with his brother Dirk. The official strike is "Van Gestel Gebroeders" as a result (Gebroeders = brothers). Bevel is a small village in the heart of the province of Antwerp. It is an open secret that the competition in this region is extremely strong and certainly exceptional pigeons you needed if you successfully would like to participate in the pigeon sport.

That Gerüder Großteil der belgischen spielen gegen den here Ventura Elite who z.B. Gaston van de Wouwer, Johan de Belser, English, Jos Vervoort, Maurice Hasendonckx, Rudi Diels, Andre Roodhooft, Bart van Oeckel, Bart and Jurgen Geerinckx, Van Elsacker-Jepsen, Van Hove-Uytterhoeven, Marcel Walters, Dirk Van Dijck, Willy Valentine, Andre Baby, Marcel & However the permanent top players at the highest level the brothers Van Gestel include Gunter Vercammen -.


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