Here, currently the first 20 first pigeons of the final race of the Belgian master 2014.

Winner: NLCombinatie van Wagner

Winner Germany: DEFenten Heinz

Congratulations to all the winners!

Visit the website…Here you To find more information…


Rslt Participant Ring number Name pigeon Arrival Flight time Prize money
1 NLCombinatie van Wagner NL-0026-09 NL 19/08/2014 14:35 6h5m57s 25,000 euro
2 JPYokoyama cozy – Van Dyck Dirk JP-0012-01 BEFARIO 19/08/2014 14:36 6h6m9s 15,000 euro
3 NLVan de Haterd Richard NL-0001-03 NLISOSTAR 19/08/2014 14:36 6h6m49s 10,000 euro
4 DEFenten Heinz DE-0050-03 DVSYLT FILOU 19/08/2014 14:37 6h7m35s 8,000 euro
5 CNGuo Chang – Lin – Leutenez CN 0008-03 BE 19/08/2014 14:37 6h7m51s 5,000 euros
6 NLVan Boxmeer Harrie NL-0055-03 NL 19/08/2014 14:37 6h7m51s 5,000 euros
7 JPYoshihara Kenichi – Leekens JP-0001-01 BE 19/08/2014 14:41 6h11m35s 2,000 euro
8 BEG6 BE-0006-02 BEEL MALQUI 19/08/2014 14:42 6h12m2s 1500 euro
9 BESchoors – De Waele BE-0125-01 BEZURI 19/08/2014 14:42 6h12m7s 1,250 euro
10 NLSoepboer D&P NL-0042-03 NLLUUK 19/08/2014 14:44 6h14m16s 1,000 euros
11 BEVan De Velde Marina BE-0105-01 BETIBO 19/08/2014 14: 45 6h15m40s 750 euro
12 BEKrupa – Robert Krasowski BE-0118-02 BEFLORE 19/08/2014 14: 48 6h18m44s 750 euro
13 CNTong Li Jun – Van Hove Uytterhoeven CN-0019-01 BE 19/08/2014 14: 52 6h22m44s 750 euro
14 CNSun Celine – Van Oeckel Bart CN-0015-06 BEMALIBU 19/08/2014 14: 53 6h23m13s 750 euro
14 BEDavid Jonathan BE-0139-01 BEMADELEINE 19/08/2014 14: 53 6h23m16s 750 euro
16 NLVan Wyk Brothers NL-0009-03 NLTHOMAS 19/08/2014 14: 53 6h23m23s 500 euro
17 BEProvost-Spiers BE-0189-01 BE 19/08/2014 15: 00 6h30m22s 500 euro
18 DESchwarte Rainer The-0011-02 DVTHE SPECIAL ONE 19/08/2014 15: 02 6h32m37s 500 euro
19 BETeam Tahir – Chadwick Mike BE-0154-01 BECALYPSO 19/08/2014 15: 09 6h39m23s 500 euro
20 CNWang Qiu Shui – Hok Jos Vercammen CN-0014-01 BEPRO BOOK 19/08/2014 15: 09 6h39m59s 500 euro

belgian msters tablebelgian masters siegerposebelgian masters sieger 2014

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