Probiotics - health from the gut - Alfred Berger

Probiotics - health from the intestine – by Alfred Berger

Probiotics - health from the intestine

Through numerous scientific studies with pre-and Probioka is known that can have beneficial effects on the target organism. Basically, one must distinguish between Prebiotics and probiotics. The Prebiotics provide a probiotics - health from the intestine – by Alfred BergerNahrungsgrundlage for probiotic bacteria in the intestine. These create a healthy intestinal environment and stabilize the natural intestinal flora and support to the immune system.
However, a successful probiotic must comply with the various requirements of the modern sport of pigeon. There is a sense that it is acid-stable so that it easily stands over the low pH in the stomach, so that it can exert its effect in the gut and not be rendered harmless by the stomach acids. The field of application of probiotics defines additional requirements. Often these are prescribed to rebuild the destroyed gut flora to the colon cleansing after antibiotic gifts. Recently we are probiotics available in high number of probiotic bacteria contain, which are stable to frequently used antibiotics such as Colistin, enrofloxacin and amoxicillin. Therefore, it is possible to rebuild the damaged intestine flora during an antibiotic administration. The probiotic bacteria, promote the growth of Lactobacilli in the small intestine by, they improve the living conditions of the body's probiotic bacteria. This bacteria such as E.Coli, salmonella and Clostridium are ousted. An additional benefit of this new probiotics is that their metabolic products inhibit the growth of fungi. Usefully, many intestinal rehabilitation preparations contain also a special Prebiotics to sustainably feed the positive gut flora.
The gift of a probiotic is advisable always to stress phases. So, for example, feed conversion, or lack of water over a period of time may lead to a Dysbiosis (disorder of the intestinal flora) in the gut and weaken so the defense of pigeons. After stress phases, the probiotics of latest generation reliable counteract this Dysbiosis. To supplying after stress phases such as training stress in youngsters, to complete the cabin stays and medication treatments vitamins in defined concentrations are ideally also included to accelerate a best possible regeneration.

• Intestinal stabilization • antibiotikastabil • inhibits fungal growth



Entrobac Roehnfried pigeon market ONexpo

Entrobac is a dietary supplement for pigeons. It contains probiotic bacteria and special dietary prebiotic fibres that are required for an optimal settlement of the intestinal flora. Entrobac is most suitable for the colon cleansing during or after strains, feed changes, stress phases, and treatments. The included bacterial strain is stable to many antibiotics and therefore Entrobac is during and after antibiotic treatments well establishing bowel. The positive gut flora is promoted by Entrobac, the immune system strengthened and harmful germs are pushed back such as E.Coli, salmonella and Clostridium. Also, the bacteria produce metabolites that are effective against fungi.

Feeding recommendation:
General: 5 g (1 scoop) per 1 kg of feed or per 1 l of drinking water
Travel time: 2 days after the flight.
Mauser & Breeding: 2 times a week
Young pigeons: 2 days before and 2 days after each name and Prize flight
After treatment: 10 g (2 scoops) per 1 kg of feed
The regeneration of the intestinal flora after treatment over several days in a row feed.

In order to moisten the feed we recommend Marsh gold.

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