Product of the week – Röhnfried MagnePro…

MagnePro is a powdered feed supplement based on the minerals calcium, sodium and two sources of magnesium. There are also two high-quality protein sources based on algae and yeast. MagnePro should be used prior to flight to prevent muscle cramps.

The added seaweed, spirulina and knotty kelp, are not just considered particularly rich in protein, but also contain many important trace elements and B vitamins.

A mineral deficiency affects not only the performance and thus the ability to fly, but also in the long run health. Metabolic, fertility and developmental disorders can be the result.

Since the mineral requirement of pigeons with grain feed alone is not can be covered is an additional supply of minerals particularly important. This is especially true for carrier pigeons, due to the Races are exposed to special stresses. They react on strongest on a possible mineral deficiency.

· for muscles, nerves and energy metabolism

· high-dose magnesium for active muscles

· Contribution to the normal functioning of muscles and nervous systems

Composition: glucose, sodium chloride, dry algae 8.5% (spirulina, knots), yeast and parts of yeast 8.5%, potassium salts organic acids (citric acid) 1%, magnesium oxide 3.5%, Potassium carbonate, magnesium salts of organic acids (acetic acid) percentage?

Feeding recommendation:
Administer 5 g for 25 pigeons the day before the flight over the feed. we recommend the gift together with oregano sheep fat and RO 200 ready, the both are also to be given towards the end of the week.

ingredients / ingredients

Composition: Dextrose, sodium chloride, dry algae (spirulina, kelp) 8.5%, yeast and parts of yeast 8.5%, potassium salts of organic acids (citric acid), magnesium oxide 3.5%, calcium carbonate, magnesium salts of organic acids (acetic acid), analytical Ingredients: crude protein 9.0%, crude fat 0.6%, crude fiber 0.1%, crude ash 31.0%, calcium 5.3%, sodium 4.0%, methionine 0.04%, lysine 0.04%, Magnesium 1.85%.

They buy products here…(click)

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