René Geukens & Markus Bauer win the middle distance classic Bourges National vs. 18,707 youngsters!

At the Saturday became the middle-distance classic Bourges (Vierzon) 478 km a total of 39,068 pigeons (8,409 old birds, 11,952 yearlings and 18,707 Youngsters) started at 07:15. Weather at Hochlass: slightly cloudy until nice, weak south-west wind and good visibility.

At 11/12/52 the team René Geukens and Markus Bauer recorded their young female "ANNA" B21-5049054 at a speed of 1,612.22 minutes / meter. This should be the 1st national vs. 18,707 youngsters. Mind you René and Markus had only entered 4 young pigeons for this middle distance classic of young pigeons and had 3 pigeons among the first 100 national of 18,707 young pigeons. A sensational result that the two sports fans will dream of for a long time.

The national winner "Anna" B21-5049054 is a little one hammered female with a really great parentage. On the paternal side the "Double Di Caprio" B19-6225072 (son x daughter of the world famous Di Caprio by Leo Heremans, like Dirk Van Dyck). By the way, the Son Di Caprio "Jessie James" B13-6122685 is a real top sire (Father of 7 different 1st bankruptcy winners). The mother of the National winner "Anna" B21-5049054 comes from Michel & Gunther Eyletten from Diest to a friend of René Geukens.

Of course there was a good party on Saturday afternoon in Paal and a few bottles of champagne emptied for this 1st National. We congratulate René and Markus on their 1st National Bourges!

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