Gut imbalances in pigeons – by Alfred Berger…

A healthy intestine offers the best conditions for an intact one Immune system. The intestinal flora in particular plays a role here decisive role. If it is stable, it protects the pigeons from the Colonization with pathogenic germs.

For this reason, keeping the intestinal flora healthy should have top priority.

The intestinal flora - beneficial bacteria in the intestine

The intestine takes on the pathogen detection and elimination important place. The intestinal wall and the intestinal mucosa provide represent a complex barrier and prevent pathogenic germs such as Bacteria, viruses, pollutants, etc. from getting into the bloodstream. Existing microorganisms in the intestine support them in this task, because billions of the smallest microorganisms live in the intestine.
The entirety of these microorganisms is also referred to as the intestinal flora or intestinal microbiome.
Man differentiates between pathogenic - i.e. pathogenic germs - and beneficial bacteria. These "good" bacteria are those hardworking helper of the immune system. They support the immune system and have a positive influence on the digestion of the animals. At the same time, they compete with them for space and food pathogenic germs.

When the intestinal flora is out of whack

Illnesses, one-sided feeding, stress, management errors, etc. can destabilize the intestinal flora and weaken the immune system. As a result, it can lead to inefficiency and higher Susceptibility to infection.
The intestinal flora is almost out of balance.
Are The intestinal flora is predominantly home to pathogenic germs The function of the intestinal flora and the defense mechanisms are disturbed only work to a limited extent. At the same time worsen the environmental conditions for the "good" bacteria, which as a result be pushed back even further.
So that it doesn't get that far, a special focus should be placed on strengthening the intestinal flora.

Strengthen intestinal health

An intact immune system enables the pigeons to be healthy and to stay efficient. Especially in stressful situations such as Moulting time, during races or at exhibitions is the immune system exposed to high loads.
One more reason to actively support intestinal health.

To stimulate the intestines, the intestinal flora and the immune system, should the animals are optimally supplied with nutrients and vital substances every day become.

In particular, the probiotics and prebiotics play a crucial role in intestinal health.

This is how probiotic microorganisms, as in the Enterobac contain, positively influence the composition of the intestinal flora and thus support the immune system.

Prebiotics, on the other hand, are indigestible substances that serve as a source of food serve for the "good bacteria". These include, for example Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS) or Beta glucans.
These prebiotics are beneficial Fermented intestinal bacteria, whereby short-chain fatty acids such as acetic acid, Propionic acid and butyric acid are formed. These short-term fatty acids in turn, use the "good" bacteria as a source of food and can thereby multiply better.

In Enterobac are probiotic bacteria and special prebiotics, which are required for optimal colonization of the intestinal flora, combined.
This is suitable Entrobac ideal for intestinal rehabilitation during or after stress, feed changes, stress phases and treatments.

Alfred Berger – Managing Röhnfried


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