HYP 100 – a unique relaxation and energy drink…

The energy carrier in combination with electrolytes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals offers the following advantages:


1. Faster post-flight recovery due to perfect moisture absorption

2. Increase in resistance relieves thirst during flights

3. Support of the digestive system after exertion and stress through a perfect absorption of food and vitamins

4. Prevents dehydration from over-boozing after stress, dehydration from overuse of minerals


During flights:

After the flight 30 ml per liter of water on return home and heavy flight and the next day. Basket 20 ml per liter of water or 1 kg of feed to increase fitness and thirst.

During stressful situations or illness:

Increase 20 ml per liter of water to 30 ml per liter for diarrhea for 5 days.

During breeding:

Weekly for 2 to 3 days, 20 ml per liter of water or 1 kg of feed. An increase to 30 ml in case of overuse of minerals. During the transition from porridge to feed in nestlings 5 ​​days 20 ml per liter of water or on 1 kg of feed.

During the moult:

Weekly for 2 to 3 days, 20 ml per liter of water or feed per 1 kg. An increase to 30 ml in case of overuse of minerals.

You can also download the VANROBAEYS HYP 100 flyer here…(click)

Respiratory tract infections are among the most common diseases in pigeons during the racing season. It is usually an infection of the upper respiratory tract or an infection of the lower respiratory tract. It is therefore important to build up the natural defenses of the bronchial system in advance. BronchoStar is a tonic to support the respiratory tract, increase appetite and strengthen the body's natural defences. The high-quality herbal complex contains, among other things, thyme and anise…(click)

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