Alfred Berger – job – family – Pigeon racing!

6 long-distance flights – 12 first bankruptcies

The headline should be the catchphrase during my visit to Winseldorf (located south of Hohenlockstedt). Here I visited the successful pigeon fancier and Managing Director of the Röhnfried company, Alfred Berger. This year he traveled very successfully in the Reisevereinigung Itzehoe, Regionalverband 100 Schleswig-Holstein. In the Itzehoe travel association, 11 long-distance flights for old pigeons were carried out in the Corona year 2020. The journey only started on May 23, 2020 with the first long-distance flight from Tarnow (travel direction east) of 170 km. Previously, despite the late start, four pre-tours were offered by the travel association to bring the pigeons into the necessary basic condition. All in all, I was able to learn that the pigeon sport here in Winseldorf was late, but started with the necessary calm. Following the long-distance flights of the old birds there were five more tours for the young birds. But now we come to the questions that really interest us and the daily interaction with our feathered friends.

Preparation for the travel season

The racing pigeons could then be calmly introduced to the start of the season. When asked about the current system, I had to realize that almost everything that modern pigeon sport has to offer is used here. The 17 old cocks were played using the classic widowhood method (the female receives the partner on arrival). The 18 year old cocks were played after total widowhood (the females also take part in the journey). In addition, 24 females were traveled, whose birds make up the reception committee at home. The pigeons were trained privately about 3 times before the season and no private training flights were carried out during the trip or during the week. All mandatory vaccinations and veterinary checks were also carried out in preparation for the season.

Supply of pigeons

When it comes to supply, the familiar system will continue to be used; I recommend the numerous ideas and suggestions in the Courier. The feed mixtures from Mifuma are used with the well-known products from Röhnfried. The day after the flight, in the 2020 season, the product OptiBreed combined with Entrobac, Immune Booster and Protein 3000 enough. OptiBreed stabilizes the intestinal tract and at the same time strengthens the immune system. Furthermore, it is rich in vitamin E, a cell protection factor that is also useful in hot flights. The aim is clearly recognizable: more vital pigeons by stabilizing the intestinal tract and strengthening the immune system. The moistened feed was then Entrobac (probiotic bacteria and special prebiotics), K+K 3000 (Muscle building and immune support through easily digestible protein) and Immunbooster (binds fungal toxins, with prebiotic components alliin/colostrum, supports in phases of stress) dried. It was achieved that the pigeons are prepared and supported in the best possible way for the upcoming flight. This approach has proven itself and turned out to be very good. This shows that even the expert is always trying new things and is open to improvements. In the season will Carni-speed given at least 5 days a week, 7 days doesn't hurt either. The optimal condition is clearly in the foreground here. The main component of this product is L-carnitine, which increases the endurance limit of pigeon muscles. However, you have to take L-carnitine almost every day in order to achieve the necessary high level of carnitine in the muscles over the long term.

“We had very smooth flights this year, which made my pigeons theirs form could continuously improve. It was just fun!”

Probably the best performance pigeon in the last two years is the 01868-18-51 W, this wonderful hen flies 11 prizes out of 11 distance flights in 2020 with a 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 30, 49 prize.

Already in 2019 she wins 13/11 prizes with 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 19, 25 bankruptcy. This hen comes from the "1249" who in turn comes from the old line of "Champ 408" on the mother's side and goes back to the pigeons of the SG Hagedorn/Becker (Heremans) on the father's side. Mother is the Portuguese "297" which in turn results from a crossing of the pigeons of Roland and Denis Faber (NATIONS AS 655) with the pigeons of Markus Neeb (line 163 and 183 from the 013131-01-917). 1st AS Female Regional Association June and winner final flight 516 km is the 01868-19-315 W, at the same time she is the best female of the RV 2020. Her father is the bird 01868-10-708 (line "Champ 408" and "Tiger Woods"). He flies a 1st prize of 630 km every year, and then a 12th, 17th, 23rd prize. Then in 2012 with 13/12 prizes 947.86 AS points. with a 3rd, 5th, 7th, 12th, 30th, 36th etc bankruptcy! In 2013 he again managed 11 prizes with a 1st prize, 433 km. His nest brother 10-707 flies in 2012: 13/11 prizes, 808.62 AS points. With a 1st bankruptcy regional group and a total of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th etc. bankruptcy. Mother is 01078-18-193, an original from Tim and Uwe Müller. She wasn't the super racing pigeon that she was supposed to be, because as a yearling she only reached her home loft on the 3rd day twice and only won 3 prizes in the first year, in the second year she managed to win 5 prizes, but they weren't any either great performances. However, this did not affect her inheritance, as she became the mother of this great "315". The absolute winner type 01868-17-481 V manages to win 6 first bankruptcies in the last two years and thus wins 6 distance flights only for itself.

In 2019 he flies 13/12 prizes with 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 21 bankruptcy and in 2020 he flies 11/9 prizes with 1, 1, 1, 4 , 5, 6, 21 bankruptcy. His mother is the 01868-14-1679 W, which was drawn from two super racing pigeons of the lines (Champ 408/Markus Neeb/Hardy Krüger) and placed on the breeding loft in 2016. The father is the "1104" a bird directly from Markus Neeb!

Alfred, what else would you like to tell the readers?

Every breeder needs to understand what they are doing. These are the typical wh-questions:

• Why do I do this?

• Why do I breed?

• When do I mate and why?

• Why am I exercising?

In addition to supply, these are questions that everyone must ask themselves in order to plan a successful year. For the future, the goal is mainly to look at the individual flight. I would like to give the family a little more time and also take a family vacation together in summer 2021. This shows that the circle is closing. Family pigeon racing profession!

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