Comb. Derycke-Schieman…

Top pigeon sport in the province of Zealand…

Derycke-Schieman, this combination is formed by vet Patrick Derycke and the Schieman family and they are obviously doing a lot of things right. Patrick took care of strengthening the stock and owns the old base of Gaby Vandenabeele. He also has support from Bruno Bucher from Switzerland, who particularly relies on the Koopman and the De Rauw Sablon pigeons. Through good commitment and a good understanding, they have achieved very good results for several years. Everything is done as punctually as possible and they take part in the Dutch program, which means seven races from 100 to 250 km, followed by seven races from 400 to 550 km. Especially the latter are the most important for this loft community, since it is a competition with a lot of competition and they can therefore compete against many pigeons. Patrick Derycke is a vet and the breeders are on his loft. So he is responsible for the offspring. Adri and Kees take care of the racing pigeons. On a medical level, nothing is left to chance. Every autumn the pigeons are vaccinated against paramyxo and smallpox and a few weeks later also against paratyphoid. They take the maximum precautions, to which Patrick adds that these vaccinations are not only important to generate antibodies against these diseases, but also to stimulate the immune system in a way that increases the pigeons' general resistance. "The medical picture is based entirely on the fact that prevention is better than cure," says Patrick. Products such as immune boosters and Entrobac are very important for the impact community. It is necessary that the youngsters get this at a very young age. The young get their first dose as soon as they are weaned. It stimulates resistance and the risk of contracting young animal disease is greatly reduced.

How was your 2019 season?
“Again, the weather affected our season, but we solved that by being a little more careful with our boys. These were well trained and only took part in one major race (Orléans). They did well and gained experience that they need for next season.”

Will there be some changes for the next travel season?
“Yes, in particular the breeding strategy will be adjusted. We will only breed from a limited, highly selected group of breeders and make sure we have a larger group of 'nurse pigeons' to do this.”

Are there certain Röhnfried products that you prefer?
“We particularly like using Bt-Amin forte because it is a multifunctional preparation that we can use at any time. It can be used for the young, during the racing season and rearing. It has the advantage that, in addition to amino acids, it also contains electrolytes and B vitamins. It ensures good basic health of the pigeons. We also think that the cub powder is a very good product. This keeps the gut healthy and stimulates the immune system.”

Do you notice a difference when you use it?
“Yes, we believe in that because you can see that the boys look good and stay healthy much easier. A mistake many breeders make is waiting until it's too late. You have to start very early with a lot of preventive products so that the pigeons can build up a good immune system.”

Which are your most successful pigeons?
“A good example this year is our “Amsterdammer”. He won Roye's 1st prize and did not return home after that. He was later reported in Amsterdam and, although it's against our principles, we took him home. This season he has rewarded us with many top results. His prize list includes 1st Roye against 288 pigeons – 78th provincial against 7921 pigeons – this season 1st Roye against 229 pigeons – 137th provincial against 5088 pigeons – 1st Melun against 278 pigeons – 4th NPO against 8318 pigeons – 3. Fontenay against 209 pigeons – 4th NPO against 2471 pigeons and 9th provincial Niergnies against 2569 pigeons. His father is the son of "Speedy" (Borremans ace cock) and his mother is a Roger Hermans hen (previously this was a 2nd national ace pigeon one day long distance)."

What is the reason for your good results?
“In order to achieve stability, there are many important aspects. First of all: good pigeons, a good loft, good feed mixtures and a lot of time. As a breeder, you have to quickly determine if something is wrong. Our widowers train once a day at the beginning of the season, after that they train up to twice a day. The females train only in the evening. We usually feed a light mixture. They only get a rich mixture when they come home from the flight and also on the day before they are due to start. They regularly receive Bt-Amin forte, immune boosters and Entrobac. In order to get a good base condition and give them a certain 'booster', they sometimes gain Lightning Form. This additional iodine improves blood circulation and this has a positive effect on the entire metabolism. Every month our pigeons are treated preventively against tricho and for healthy airways.”

Is there some advice you would like to share with our readers?
“Yes, it is very important that you have a firm schedule when it comes to tending and managing your inventory. Make sure you have a good base; trusts these pigeons and tries to do everything as punctually as possible. It is a must to be vaccinated against paramyxo, paratyphoid and smallpox.”

Comb. Derycke-Schieman
Tel. +31 62 2392955

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