Thomas Bovec - 1. As-bird of the Association in 2019…

Sports enthusiast Thomas Flitsch had an excellent 2019 travel season. He managed to establish himself at the top at the national level with a travel team almost exclusively equipped with year-old pigeons.
Thomas Flitsch (39) is a co-owner of an insurance agency and a passionate pigeon fancier. His efforts not only relate to active sports, he also participates in organizational planning for the travel events. He is also responsible for flight control in RV and FG.
After a few years of interruption, Thomas Flitsch found his way back to racing pigeons. With the rebuilding of his striking system in 2014, he became active again and again with appealing successes.
Even the 2017 travel year with the youngsters showed the way to where it stands in 2019. In 4 races, the 1st prize was won 4 times and the price yield was promising.
2019 - then the absolute breakthrough, far above average successes were achieved from the first to the last race. First bankruptcies in the RV and in the FG with high percentage price wins could be booked - and the aforementioned pigeons earned the corresponding ace points. The evaluations of various individual pigeons also show that you could rely on your travel team.

The ace bird
The accomplishments of its siblings also show that this bird is not a “one-day pigeon”. Here is just one example: A brother of the Ace bird wins 13/11 prizes in 2019 and is also one of the winners of various championships. The father of these top pigeons was bred from top animals by Johannes Jakobs x Rudi Heinen and later given away by Franz Jakobs to the sports fan Thomas Flitsch. The mother comes from the blood lines of the pigeons of the Belgian top breeder Frans Rondags. This couple can certainly be called a breeding pair because of their very good offspring.

And how were the pigeons looked after in 2019?

Due to a new sporting friendship with Hermann and Phillip Kallen, in the joint “technical discussions” in winter 2018, the decision was made to change the supply system used previously.
The Kallen team has been successfully using the KLAUS supply system for their pigeons for many years, including Olympia – Participants 2019 in Poznan -.
The KLAUS supply products were used for the first time in the 2019 season. Before the breeding and travel season and once during the travel season all pigeons were against trichomonads and coccidia

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cured. If more severe health problems occur in the animals, other appropriate means are used. The following high-quality Klaus products were regularly used for the supply: Winner pigeons VitaBlut, winner pigeons Jet 2000/20, Klaus Jodoferrol, Vitamultin Vitamin-B, Klaus C-T-P and Klaus Picorin. Likewise, all mineral products.
With this supply, medication was only given in exceptional cases. The animals were at a consistently high level of performance during the entire travel season.

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