Feeding concept boy in PCT – by Alfred Berger…

Boy in weaning (up to six weeks after weaning):

at the age of about 21 to 24 days (PCT) have youngsters still an abundant need for high quality protein. For the optimal development of boys in the first weeks of life still "protein-rich" should be fed.
Is the first striker spring thrown or the boys begin to "pull" a lighter and more energy-rich mixture is fed. obtained Winter Young, for optimum Mauser plumage of the cover, while the darkening phase further optimized breeding or youngsters feed. To develop a strong immune system, it is necessary to support this active and passive.
These ideal beta-glucans, cellulose powder and herbal extracts are suitable.
Note: The young birds is particularly important to ensure that all components are also included. In particular, the boys should learn to eat corn.

Youngsters in the settling phase (up to 6 weeks after weaning)
and black-out phase.

If the pigeons are darkened, recommended in the darkening phase a supply after feeding concept "Mauser."


Alfred Berger - Managing Röhnfried


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