RÖHNFRIED pigeons Health Service…

active for decades for the benefit of pigeon breeders…

Dr. Paul Seck

From the beginning, the Biological Laboratory Dr. Paul Seck oHG of the Röhnfried Tauben-Gesundheitsdienst for your success in the pigeon sport. Professional action has created great confidence in our work among the pigeon fanciers.
So that we can continue to do justice to your trust and increasing demands in the future, we have included veterinarian Detlef Kauffmann (in the photo) as an excellent specialist in our team since mid-2005.
We are therefore able to offer you an even more comprehensive service than before, in addition to the proven parasitological and bacteriological examinations.
Call us, we will advise you. Together with the strong partner Röhnfried, we always work to ensure the health of your loft.
Mr. Kauffmann is available for information and advice on the following telephone numbers:

(040) 480 85 87 or (040) 22 23 92
Office hours Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m
Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
You are also welcome to send inquiries via:
Fax: (040) 460 09 135 · Mobil: (01520) 8546161
email: info@biolabor-seck.de

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