Each year top results…


The results of the father-son combination of Nijwiller are really  amazing. The last flight of the season is always "the cherry on the Icing ". In 2017 it was the international flight from Narbonne: At a distance of 881 km compared 8,480 years - and with only five Year in the race - they won the 4th, 26th and 27th bankruptcy. she konstatierten the birds for 18:28, 18:54 and 18:55, which is amazing, because usually they only play to 500-700 km Stretch. For this race at the end of the season we have had real have winners in its ranks.

The best flights in 2017 were also:

26/05, Issoudun (517 km) - 5.233 pigeons: 2, 7, 9, 21, 41, 83,

09/06, Argenton (571 km) - 3,555 pigeons - 21, 107, 108.116, 153,

23/06, Montlucon (554 km) - 1,884 pigeons - 10, 37, 41, 69, 74, 111,

07/07, the Underground (605 km) - 1240 Tauben: 6, 8,

21/07, Chateauroux (542 km) - 853 pigeons: 16, 21, 59, 75, 80

These are sensational results when you consider that Florian and Jo Hendriks go up to 24 widowers at the start. Every two weeks the widower must participate in an aerial race. The birds are for perfectly prepared.
The 500-700 km flights are in the province of Limburg in the Netherlands offered in two-week intervals. The SG Hendriks is a real Expert on these flights and currently the biggest competitor, which it found in this category to beat. be on the flights of 100 to 350 km basketed birds weekly. Between flights of 500-700 km they are only set to 50 to 70 km. This motivates further and when they come home, the females are already waiting in the cell on their partners.

One of the stars in shock

Travel arrangements:

In March, the pigeons are given almost every day Witches beer,  This metabolism is promoted, they get white Eye rims, white nose and a great level of fitness. In addition, train  they therefore well and have good health.


The pigeons are in a very clean and dust-free blow accommodated. Although it is hard work, but you will take care of here rather a few pigeons really good, as to many pigeons bad.


The pigeons are given on time every day her free flight, both in the evening and the morning.


Since you are only every two weeks at the decisive flights participates, the pension plan is more extensive. In the first Potions get the pigeons MUMM and after two to three days Rotosal administered. Besides, she still regularly receive Carni-speed.


Before the first flight the pigeons get about three to four days Gervit-W, The next flight will then get four days Flash form, After that, you then get four days BT Amin forte, This is then administered always alternately.

Take full account of Röhnfried: Jo (left) and Florian Hendriks


  • Airway: Florian has very good experience with Breathing free made when he feeds it with the food the day after the flight. It is very well accepted and the pigeons get them very beautiful white Eye rims.
  • Rozitol: These  Drops are applied every two weeks. He dribbles every Widowers and 10 minutes later, he removes the mucus from the nose and pigeons.
  • Maintenance: "Be sure that the pigeons well regenerate and that's good digestion. A light food and a good range of Grit places are very important, "says Florian.

Vaccination schedule of the boys:

When the young birds are sold, they get a vaccination Paramyxovirus in combination with herpes. The second paramyxovirus vaccination is a  Combined with smallpox and is seeded when the boys all together The end of May are in shock. Then they are also once again with Inactivated vaccine against salmonella vaccinated.

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