70 years Röhnfried - altitude flight continues…

The success of the top brand for Pigeon athletes worldwide at this year's Pigeon Olympiad in January in Poznań: The Röhnfried Racing Team alone was there with seven Pigeons from five lofts from Germany and Belgium are represented.

A first documented designation of the Röhnfried brand comes from the Year 1949. The trademark was registered at that time by the Froghausen Godfried Röhnhe. Of the Founder and namesake of the “Chemical-Pharmaceutical Laboratory Gottfried Röhner” in southern Hesse thus created a compound under which he produced and targeted individual products for poultry and pigeons applied And his calculation worked: The carrier pigeon breeders in the region were already well represented shortly after the Second World War, increasingly discovered the Röhnfried products for themselves.

At the end of the 1970s, Gottfried Röhner, his wife, decided Helene had died in the meantime, to sell his life's work. In the dr Hesse Tierpharma GmbH & Co. KG in Schleswig-Holstein Hohenlockstedt, he found a suitable prospective customer who was interested in the brand Products, the recipes and the customers took over.

"With Röhnfried, the Dr. Hesse Tierpharma GmbH & Co. KG got new wings!”

"We, the Dr. Hesse Tierpharma, were looking for new ones at the time Because and products that we use outside of the could create a second mainstay on the pharmaceutical side", remembers Hans-Peter Schwarzkopf (82 years old), one of the three founders the company.
"That's when we came across Gottfried Röhner's veterinary business and with the purchase you have the rights to 120 registered trademarks acquired. One of them was Röhnfried.”

In the beginning there were medicines for animals

"As a young man," he said born in Hohenlockstedter, "I was a trainee at Bayer in Leverkusen and I already had my chance in the recognized by the pharmaceutical industry. I'll be back home very quickly decided that I wanted to start my own business in this industry. I borrowed 20,000 DM from my father and in 1959 together with the vet Dr. Kurt Hesse and another partner the company founded. I was 23 years old then.”

With structural changes to new focal points

the dr At that time, Hesse Tierpharma had many registered products for large animals and poultry. The approach also animals using medicines to get healthy was new and took place in rural Schleswig-Holstein well received by his many small farms. "With the structural changes in agriculture,” says Hans-Peter Schwarzkopf, “and the stricter requirements of the 1970s Drug legislation, specifications were made, which we admittedly in terms of content but ultimately financially no longer wanted to fulfill what prompted us to find new focal points.”

Foundation for today's export business

With the takeover of the Röhnfried brand, Dr. Hesse back then “new get wings. The brand became more and more popular and with that came including inquiries from abroad. The foundation for today export business. “I literally traveled the world with Röhnfried and have visited almost 40 countries,” adds H.-P. Black Head. "What I'm Talking to the breeders benefited and still delights today prepares, is my own pigeon breeding. An employee who successfully bred carrier pigeons, gave me the tip back then "If you want to have a say, you have to keep carrier pigeons yourself". Good advice."

A new shareholder takes over the business

1981 was with Friedel Gyllensvärd, the grandfather of the current Main shareholder Dominik Gyllensvärd, another comrade-in-arms won. The passionate pigeon fancier was looking for an additional investor, a partnership has been offered. The entrepreneur recognized the potential and spontaneously bought the whole company. In 2013, the new shareholders decided to dr Realign Hesse Tierpharma and increase exports even more force. A development that culminated in 2018 in the Construction of new office space and a million investment in new facilities found.

Foundation of the Röhnfried Racing Team

Friedel Gyllensvärd won many back then with his entry world-renowned top breeders as references. To give just a few examples to name: Heinz-Willi Ritz, William Geerts, Serge van Elsacker, Flor Engels, Van Hove-Uytterhoeven, Gaby Vandenabeele, Hans Eijerkamp and sons and many others. Friedel Gyllensvärd also laid that at the time The cornerstone of Röhnfried Racing, which is highly regarded in breeder circles today teams. To become part of the team you always need your own Success story, combined with the enthusiasm and conviction for the modern Röhnfried concepts, as well.

Today top breeders from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands to the Röhnfried Racing Team but also in Eastern Europe, everyone ahead of Poland or in China, there are Röhnfried Racing Teams. Their names stand for healthy, strong and successful pigeons worldwide. your lines go back to internationally known names such as Heremans-Ceusters, Gaby Vandenabeele, the famous Janssen brothers, the "Crack" by Cauwenbergh, Cyriel Verbeeck, the "Wonderaske" and others big breeders.

Gervit W and Taubengold

Tangible contemporary witnesses of the Röhnfried success story are products such as Gervit W, Avipharm and Taubengold. Even if the Compositions have continued to improve over the decades were made, the names and the recipes still go back to Gottfried today Röhner back.

Motto today: activate immunity and vitality

Graduate biologist Alfred Berger, one of the two current managing directors and shareholders and also a very successful carrier pigeon breeder himself, adds: "The veterinarian Dr. Right from the start, under the Dr. Hesse, develops pigeon products with a focus on veterinary medicines. Finally, today we have combined all pigeon and poultry products under the successful Röhnfried brand. As early as the turn of the millennium, the company began to find and develop new ways of supplying products. In the past, medicines and antibiotics strongly influenced the weekly care of the carrier pigeons, but today sustainable concepts for maintaining health are used and recommended. We don't want the animals to get sick in the first place, but rely on the preventive approach. Our motto: Naturally reduce infection pressure, strengthen immunity and activate vitality!"
This motto is reflected above all in the new concepts behind the Röhnfried product range. For example, the "7-point plan for the journey" is a feeding concept for rapid regeneration and increased performance. There is modern health management for more success and many other concepts. What they all have in common is that they are based on carefully selected and coordinated products. Personal advice included.

Alfred Berger also has a very personal history with the Röhnfried company.
"Froschhausen near Seligenstadt is actually my mother's place of birth. Think Parents, themselves passionate breeders of pigeons and poultry Gottfried Röhner still knew personally and also his Röhnfried products already appreciated. You could almost say with today's Activity as Managing Director of Dr. Hesse Tierpharma in Hohenlockstedt and active partner of the Röhnfried Racing Team joins the Circle."

PS In 1958 Gottfried Röhner had even distinguished himself as a successful author. Title: "The practical chicken doctor with the ABC of poultry health care in 60 keywords"

Good flight!

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