Product of the week – PICORIN® by Klaus…

Energizers, supplementary feed…

Picorin consists of high-quality raw materials, a very large number of native trace elements, amino acids and drugs

Picorin represents

  • better natural immune force,
  • more uniform growth,
  • improved exploitation of the genetic growth potential at predetermined
    a balanced diet,
  • improved feed conversion,
  • a kennel that can have significant benefits for the terminated growth, so as racing pigeon, at least in the first and second year. Picorin is added as a powder over the feed. Thus Picorin adheres to the lining, the grains can be moistened with Maratonin Combi Oil. Subsequently, the feed to mixed well
    be administered from a clean and feeding device. The prepared food quantity should be consumed in a day.
    Amount used: 1-4 teaspoons per Kg.

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