Serge Van Elsacker - for 30 years a member of the Röhnfried Racing Team…

Four decades active in the pigeon sport, almost as long at the Head of the Belgian pigeon sport and still full of joy and Enthusiasm there. Serge Van Elsacker has throughout his career not only won many 1st prizes provincial and inter-provincial, asked but also Olympic pigeons and won a national victory.

A big heart for animals: Serge with Dachshund Lady Pippa 'in front of the domestic pigeon

It is a very special anniversary that the likeable Belgian am February 8, 2019 celebrates.  but we begin at the beginning: Together with his wife Kirsten Jepsen lives in Serge shields. A stronghold of pigeon racing in space Antwerp, where he already 1986 when he caused a furor, for King of the Union Antwerp ' was proclaimed. The restlessness is understandable when one knows that the Union Antwerp at the time by many reporters as, High School of Pigeon sport 'was called, in which are among the best in the country  counting beats measured. But we can tell Serge:

"Kirsten and I traveled since 1981 very well and I was  the youngest breeder who has ever won this title. was then I "28 years old, Serge recalls. "One was my competitors William Geerts. A celebrity in the Belgian pigeon sport, who is also from  Shields came and could produce only six Olympic champion at the time. "

More than just a flash in the pan

At that time many of Antwerp's famous pigeon fancier thought this would just be a flash in the pan, but over the years they have been proved wrong. Another big name in pigeon racing was Heinz Willi Ritz from Juchen in North Rhine-Westphalia. The man who invented the, lightning '. 'Blitzen is that he consecutively five days Flash form has given. "Heinz-Willi," said Serge, "then made incredible results."

"The young couple Serge Van Elsacker and Kirsten Jepsen won last year with the pigeons everything one could win."
This photo appeared in a major story about the successful breeders 1991 in the Flemish tabloid Republic '.

Röhnfried products since 1984

"Especially the personality and performance of H. W. Ritz I was impressed then very and I believed back then to the Röhnfried products. Since 1984, I have the Röhnfried products over then H. W. relative, took advice and pigeons with him and we became good friends.  William Geerts could of course do not know, after all he was a direct competitor. "

Member of Röhnfried Racing Team

At the time both breeders listed already for Röhnfried Racing Team. Heinz-Willi was also a good friend of Hans-Peter Schwarzkopf, then CEO of Röhnfried and even a pigeon fancier. "Both the latter I have to thank that I received in February 1989 for the Röhnfried Racing Team a contract. We still had a conversation with the then owner Friedel Gyllensvärd and the rest is history. "
A success story, because in order to become part of the team always heard its own success story, combined with the enthusiasm and conviction for Röhnfried concepts so.

For more than 30 years at the top - class is class

Diejenigen die Kirsten und Serge besuchen, werden Zeuge ihrer Klasse und ihrer Professionalität. Die beiden setzen sich sehr für den Taubensport ein und tun alles für ihre Athleten. Ihre Familie und Freunde sind für das sympathische Paar aus Schilde besonders wichtig. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren stehen sie an der Spitze des belgischen Taubensports. Natürlich gibt es, wie in jedem anderen Schlag auch, Höhen und Tiefen, aber sie kennen keine langen andauernden Phasen, die nicht erfolgreich waren. Die Saison 2018 war ebenfalls wieder sehr erfolgreich. Nach der Saison 2018 mit den Topergebnissen von „Diara“ (3. nationale As-Taube schwere Mittelstrecke KBDB), „Diamond“ (8. nationale As-Taube schwere Mittelstrecke KBDB) und „Dreamgirl“ (15. nationale As-Taube KBDB), standen sie wieder im Fokus der Taubenwelt. Aber die Resultate waren eben auch wieder sehr gut! Klasse bleibt eben Klasse!

The pigeons

Serge ist sehr stolz auf seinen Bestand, an dem er bisher mehr als 30 Jahre lang gearbeitet hat. An der Basis seines Bestandes stehen die alten Linien von Stoces, Janssen, Meulemans und Hofkens. In den letzten Jahren hat Serge sehr sorgfältig nach Verstärkungen gesucht und sie in den Linien von Rudi de Saer, Rik Cools und Marnik de Neve mit den alten Vandenabeele-Linien gefunden. Das hat er gemacht, weil Serge der Überzeugung war, dass seine eigenen Linien nach den vielen Jahren der Linienzucht etwas Blutauffrischung brauchten. Der Vorteil der eigenen Linien ist, dass man sie durch und durch kennt. Man kennt ihr Leistungsvermögen und weiß genau, was sie brauchen. Die van Elsacker-Tauben können jede Woche von 100 bis 600 km gesetzt werden und liefern dabei Spitzenleistungen ab.

For medical care Serge draws several times a year Dr. Henk de Weerd and Dr. Raf Herbots help. Each year all pigeons vaccinated against paramyxovirus course. which is even made twice with the boy. The first time you will be dropped and the second time eight weeks later with smallpox vaccination.

Health problems among the pigeons? Wrong!

"Since I started using the products Röhnfried, I had actually never so right 'health problems among the pigeons. I  have indeed in between sometimes one or the other, miracle product ' tried that I was given, but ALL !!!! could not keep up with, my Röhnfried 'products. "

"The 'old' products from the early days, still close to my heart and ones that I use are still Flash form, Witches beer, Pavifac special beer yeast, Gervit W, Energy oil, K + K protein 3000, RO 200 and Hatchling powder, From Avipharm I am now switched to BT Amin forte and to reduce the risk of infection, I use the newer Avidress plus.“ *

The granddaughters are already infected with the pigeons virus': Serge (Jg. 1958) explains Lobke (14, right) and NoAE (9, left) Röhnfried used products

Super shock system

Die Schläge sind sehr durchdacht und Serge weiß sehr genau, was er macht. Der Schlag ist ein einziger großer Hauptschlag, der in verschiedene Abteile unterteilt ist. Es wird hier viel Wert auf Luft, eine gute Versorgung und eine sehr gute Hygiene gelegt.

Total widower

In den letzten Jahren wurde nach der totalen Witwerschaft gereist. Während der Winterzeit bekommen die Tauben aufgrund der Greifvogelplage keinen Freiflug. Diesen gibt es erst, wenn die Tauben wieder verpaart werden. In den letzten Jahren war es Ende Februar soweit. Dabei versucht Serge, so viele bewährte Paare wie möglich zusammen zu lassen, besonders dann, wenn das Paar schon gute Leistungen gebracht hat. Wenn ein Weibchen oder ein Vogel Woche für Woche sensationelle Erfolge geflogen hat, dann bleibt der schlechtere Partner zu Hause.


Serge tried as quickly as possible to select the pigeons, for it is proven that the basket tell you which is the best pigeon. The good results are always the result of good selection. The earlier you selected, the less pigeons have been in shock and the more time you have for the remaining pigeons. You should spend the time it spends only pigeons that are also value.


During the moulting season the pigeons get very irregular free flight. During this time, they get very often Pigeon gold. Pigeon gold provides a lot of methionine, which is crucial for the spring training. Also, during this time a lot Energy oil together with Pavifac-Bierhefe fed via the feed. The doves in that time at least can take a bath twice a week, is expected course his.

Healthy pigeons in good condition

Before the season starts, the pigeons should not be too bold and have lost their old down. End of March begins with Serge Track Training up to 30 km away. If the pigeons are trained, then either the birds or the females. The partner remains always at home. This approach is indeed complex, but provides better motivation


The training takes place only once a day instead of in the morning. The pigeons train in the morning better and they remain the whole season in the same rhythm.

Another tip from Serge van Elsacker the end

When the pigeons come from the airport, they can not in the cells shock. First they need to drink and eat something. After that, the Nistzellen be opened. The partners may look at and then fixed in the cell. The result is that the pigeons for the next flight recover faster and are much quieter in the cell. Two hours after the arrival of the pigeons are separated and get back food and water.



05/05/18 Ecouen (290 km)
Other 2,516: 1, 3, 5, 28, 29, 43, 51, 76, 83, 98, 99, 102, ... (48/96)
1,393 year-old: 1, 3, 19, 27, 32, 46, 49, 57, 58, 84, 97, ... (31/73)
12/05/18 Melun (317 km)
4.812 Other: 8, 18, 19, 20, 26, 34, 56, 85, 87, 151, 157, ... ((63/91)
2,791 years: 2, 6, 7, 8, 12, 18, 89, 92, 99, 101, 148, ... ((43/68)
26/05/18 Bourges (485 km)
482 Others: 2, 3, 18, 30, 40, 60, 61, 64, 72, ... ((16/23)
23/06/18 Argenton (562 km )
500 years: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 20, 21, 39, 46, 53, 54, 57, 64, (26/39)
03/08/18 Morlincourt (215 km)
732 Young: 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 36, 36, ... (58/114)
18/08/18 Chevrainviliers (364 km)
1,179 Young: 2, 15, 27, 31, 34, 42, 45, 51, 56, 58, 60, 63, (51/84)
01/09/18 Melun (317 km)
Young 762: 24, 27, 34, 37, 40, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52, 57, 65, ... (47/73)


20/05, Vierzon (483 km) - 8177 Old:
4, 22, 35, 88, 208, 214,. (9/10)
27/05, Bourges (486 km) - 7364 years:
25, 56, 61, 117, 167, … (19/42)
10/06, Châteauroux (535 km) - 8583 years:
20, 48, 96, 104, 125, … (24/41)
24/06, Argenton (562 km) - 22,712 years:
70, 75, 144, 264, … (24/38)
08/07, Châteauroux (535 km) - 4398 years:
5, 53, 111, 178, 191,… (19/31)
06/08, Bourges (486 km) - 12,446 years:
23, 29, 43, 97, 126, … (21/28)
3rd, 8th, 15th Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance KBDB 2017

Contact info

Phone: +32 3 3841467


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