Feeding concept Winter / Sleep – by Alfred Berger…

Winter is suitable to bring the animals to the Mauser in an optimal condition for breeding or travel. Furthermore, vaccination is carried out in winter. Only when an adequate supply of all essential nutrients adequate vaccination effect can take place (formation of immunoglobulins (antibodies)).
This includes long-term, optimized feeding and phased administration of supplementary feeds that support the immune system. The feeding concept for the winter phase is also based on high-fiber feeding with a high proportion of satiating raw fibres. The protein content is reduced to avoid metabolic stress. The dosed supply of vitamins and trace elements in winter corresponds to optimal preparation, especially before and after vaccinations. In addition, sensible drinking water hygiene should also be part of every feeding concept during the rest and winter period.

Note: After the moult until Anpaaren should be as close as possible fed.

röhnfried winter 2018

Her Alfred Berger

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-Geschäftsführer Röhnfried-


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