In November 2018 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…



Shock disinfection in autumn

Fall is the perfect time to disinfect the dovecotes. There are several good disinfectants on the market. The problem with many disinfectants that they more or less have a carcinogenic property. Now the effects of the pigeons are usually not as pronounced, more so for the breeder. I've noticed over the years that the carcinogenic side effects of these agents are often downplayed. Already more than ten years, we have studied the possibilities, which are suitable disinfectant efficacy and safety in the market. We opted for Virkon S® virkons_1000_gr_1(Photo). It is a safe means not only for our own beats but also suitable for disinfecting our hospital premises.

Virkon S® suitable for disinfection of surfaces, materials, water systems and for air decontamination. If one has to deal with the outbreak of disease in the pigeon and wants to reduce the risk of infection, so the disinfection of the footwear offers it.

It is important to know that with a use of Virkon S® the surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned first. Thereafter, it is necessary to leave for a 1% solution of the agent for a longer period of time well in order to achieve an optimum effect. I have often found that Virkon S® was used as a cleaning agent. However, this should be avoided. So first clean normal and then apply the disinfectant in the right way.

Do we believe the manufacturer's instructions, there is no other disinfectant that such a safety profile and such a broad and powerful effect than Virkon S®.

The agent has a strong killing effect for many, in birds common pathogens. This is true for viruses, fungi and bacteria. It is to be active against more than 500 different pathogens. A good action is against salmonella and Newcastle disease (PMV) and against bird flu.
The product is not classified as hazardous. Both powdered and in a pre-diluted, it is consistent with the EU criteria (1999-1945 / EC).

Apparently, there is also an official authorization for the use of drinking water for chickens. Lt. Declaration it is already being used by several users at a dose of 0.5 to 1 gram per liter of drinking water for the prevention of intestinal problems.

Not only the correct exposure is important, but also the correct dilution. We consider it even at a dilution of 1 to 100. This Mimics per liter to 10 grams. In some diseases, such as in an influenza infection, a dilution of 1 to 200 is sufficient. But for most viruses, a dilution of 1 to 100 is necessary. This includes the paramyxovirus, the circovirus and the Adenocolisyndrom.
Also, for most bacteria and fungi as well as for the chlamydia is a dilution of 100 advisable. Again, long let the liquid on the surface enough to act to ensure the effectiveness.


Boskamp book Healthy pigeons



The products that come this time of year for use are Bony Base T and Bony Usneanoplus. bony usnea
In Bony Basic T T represents tincture. It is a product based on herbal extracts that have a supportive effect during moulting. The herbs help to purify the liver and kidneys. In addition, the defenses are strengthened. The adaptogens contained are substances help to cope better with stress.
Die Praxis zeigt, dass die Anwender begeistert sind, wenn sie nach 4 bis 7 Tagen feststellen, dass der alte Flaum massiv gelockert ist und die Tauben sichtbar besser aussehen. Die Nasen sind weisser und die Tauben fühlen sich gut.
Bony Usneanoplus ist ein Produkt, das auf fünf Gewürze basiert. Eines von ihnen hat die Eigenschaft, gegen Staphylokokken zu wirken. Staphylokokken-Bakterien sind nur schwer mit Antibiotika zu töten. In der Tat sehen wir immer mehr resistente Bakterien hervorgerufen duch zu viel Antibiotikagaben. Die Bakterien werden resistent gegen viele Antibiotika. Eine prekäre Lage. Usneanoplus könnte möglicherweise zur Lösung dieses Problems beitragen. Die Praxis scheint auch zu bestätigen, dass sowohl Trichomonaden als auch Kokzidien grosse Schwierigkeiten haben, bei dieser Kräuterkombination zu überleben. Wir selbst geben seit mehr als drei Jahren Usneanoplus mit guten Ergebnissen jeden Montag über das Trinkwasser.


Good luck

Boskamp at research1

Peter Boskamp


find them on a complete overview of Bony Farma Products



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